Chapter 16

12 2 6

3 March 2025

Amara's POV

"Still can't believe he did all that." Eliana said, "If I had known he came with this many benefits I would've pushed you in his direction sooner." I giggled at her statement, "You're not serious." I said back, "Look WE are in YOUR office doing nothing because of HIM. Let that sink in babes."

She wasn't wrong. This was amazing and we still made money. 'Easy money' Is what Eliana calls it, best type of money to be made in my opinion. I really want to u understand why he did all that, because it was strange for me. Though I hadn't seen him today which bothered me. Guess I was excited to see him but nobody needs to know that.

And my mind continued replaying everything that has happened these few days

'I don't like anyone staring at what's mine.'
My heart fluttered everytime I thought about what he had said last week. Could do that again, again and again.

"Imagine getting paid to sit around and look pretty, like I could do this shit all day." She sat on the other seat putting her feet crossed on the table and arms behind her neck lying down. "You're enjoying this too much." "How can I not, there's even free booze everywhere I go." She went over to where all the different variety of drinks were, "Its only Monday." I pointed out to which she brushed off, continued pouring herself another drinking, like I didn't say anything.

(Knock knock)

"Miss Thompson may I come in." A deep croaky voice asked from behind the door, "Eliana sit properly." I whispered as I tapped on her shoulder, "Yes you may." I told the guy and the  door opened, in front of me was a man that I hadn't quite recognized but again I'm new so I don't know half of the staff, "Your presence is required in the boss' office." "Okay but no need to be all formal." I laughed. He seemed shy and turned pink by my comment. Eliana just sat there doing what she calls 'Assessing the target' you'd think she had trust issues. The guy laughed it off and left.

"I'm pretty sure he likes you babes." Eliana stated downing yet another glass of w, "Why do you say that?" I questioned, "Because ain't no real nigga gon talk like that." "Stop it." She laughed, "Go see what your man needs princess. He needs you." I just rolled my eyes and went out. I could hear her laughing like a hyena as I made my way out.

Walking towards his office, unaware of what to expect. All I can say is that I'm thrilled to see him again.

Kai's Pov...

With all that has been happening my mind couldn't focus nor concentrate on anything. I'm young and stressing like I'm turning 50. Piles of paper on my desk, I haven't even attempted working on anything just yet.

I know I had other business to attend to elsewhere but I just needed to see her again. I kept thinking about what I did the other day, I don't know what came over me the other day and I should probably clear the air but there was something about seeing her caramel skin glowing and the many people who drooled over her that just made the hairs on my arm stand. The way I'm feeling confused me and still is currently, I guess I acted on impulse. However based off of her reaction, I'm presuming the feeling is mutual. But I still stand firm on what I said, she's all mine.

And it did benefit my plan in bringing her closer so a win is a win I thought.

(Knock knock)

A feint knock on the door interrupted my train of thought.

"Come in." I said, and behold the scene infront of me. It took every fiber in my body to not slam her onto this desk and fuck her til her legs get weak. Although she had more coverage she still managed to take my breath away. She wore a a regular black jumpsuit and a black puff jacket. Even with this, her curves were outlines and defined. There was no lying that she was one of a kind. I gritted my teeth imagining my hands all over her, all the things I could do to her.

10 November...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum