Chapter 11

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10 February 2023

Kai POV...

"Did you get what I asked for?" She handed me the papers, "Yes Mr Yang." I quickly scanned through what she handed me, "Give me a brief on the Brown family." She nodded, "William Brown was a detective. A man with integrity many would say. He did a lot to help people in the community." She pointed at a picture of him helping around, "He had a wife, Emaline Brown. She was close to your mother as they found information of them attending the same high school together and further engagements as time went on." She flipped to another page, the one lady was my mom, I could tell by the way we had similar features and the other one besides her must've been Emaline. She looked somewhat familiar to me I just can't pinpoint exactly why.

"They did everything together. However, after your mother and the death of her husband, all records of Emaline have disappeared. It was very peculiar I thought. Even the information about her daughter went missing." "She had a child." I asked, "Yes indeed. I believe you should be familiar with the girl, Amara Brown." I only remember my father looking for her, that's why he had even enrolled me in this shit hole to begin with, but I needed more so I shook my head "No I don't recall such a name, only thing I know is my father is desperately on the lookout for a girl with that name." She seemed confused by my statement, "Mr Yang, there are pictures of you and this girl from when you two were kids." She scrambled through all the pages till she found what she was looking for, "I even found diaries written by your mother and video evidence showing just how close you two were." I paused for a while trying to tie up the very visible knots in this story.

"I say read and watch it because there's information that may help you find the answers you desire." "Is there anymore on the Brown's?" I asked still trying to process what she told me. "Yes, I Have something urgent that may either make your day or ruin it." She looked in my eyes searching for my answer and I encouraged her to go on, "Your father is a man with many enemies, but during this time it was rumored that the man he was butting heads with a very powerful businessman named Erik van Tander. He is a very well-known in the industry and is always competing with Yang Cooperations. May i add that he has incredible stats if we look at the numbers. Now based off of that letter you handed to me, EvT could possibly be him. I don't want to jump to conclusions so I would rather you do another run down of this information just to be sure of what I am telling you."

She continued giving me the run down of it all. I wanted to ask about Chantelle but my mind was still trying to process the fact that: 1. The Brown's were supposed family Friends, 2. That Emaline woman looked too familiar, not because of the being close to my mother, theres moreI just can't remember where I'd seen her, 3. Amara is someone I know; even though the name is not ringing enough bells- based off the evidence before me- it should and lastly I could have potentially found my mother's killer in the process.

What an eventful morning...

That letter, til this day, still makes my blood turn cold. It still haunts me every night. I never told my dad about it. I took it with me in hopes that it would lead me to what im looking for, and hurt the motherfucker that killed my mother.

Who would've thought that at my little age of 7, that I would already be thinking of such vile thoughts. Guess we start young, I chuckled to myself. I don't know why it has taken me this long to go and search, I guess I was afraid of the answers I may find, more so I was afraid that the person who had killed my mom would be my father. But he somehow is involved in the process so I can't completely cross him out from everything. But I have matured now and I am ready to get the answers. Ready to find the truth. And nobody will get in my way.

That day, I spent most of my time reading through and analyzing all the information that was present. There was a lot going on, a lot of unanswered questions.

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