Just a bad dream ?

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Leah's POV
As I get ready I can help but wonder why my sister reacted like she did when I woke her up "please no no I'm sorry" ?? I try to reassure myself that she was just having a bad dream. Once I'm ready I get my phone out and realise my sister never replied to Katie

Me : hi it's me sorry we didn't reply we went to see our mum in hospital and got some bad news. I'm going to try and bring her home but I might not be able to if our dad reports her missing and they find her I legally can't keep her, I need her to talk so we can get her home x

Katie : ok keep me updated if you want me to try to speak to her let me know and please make sure she knows she can speak to me and you too x

Leah : thank you I will x

As I walk through the hotel my body goes warm as I remember what my sister said yesterday "he'll.." "who dad ?" "It doesn't matter" what has he done to her ? Nothing Leah your being stupid he'd never...

Yn's POV
My body goes into fight or flight mode I see my sister and a few other girls walking towards me "I can't" I run out the room

I can hear people yelling after me but I just ignore them and keep running until I find myself on one of the training pitches.

I see a football and run and pick it up I can feel presents behind me but I just ignore it and try and relieve my mind, I've been wanting to do this for almost a year. I haven't even touched a football since well since... for almost a year.

I just keep kicking the ball I manage to do 30 kick
ups before I hear lots of loud cheering behind me.

I turn around and see the whole team cheering for me "wow *nickname* guys be careful she's coming for us" my sister says walking towards me " Yn have you played football since we've saw you" Alessia ask "um no but I watched loads of games but that's it" I say sadly

My sister picks me up and starts running with me on her shoulder "sissss what are you doing" I laugh "everyone thisss little one hasn't touched a football for a whole year" everyone is shocked "wait but how..." Mary stops shocked "Lee she needs to tryout for arsenal's academy" a voice behind us says

Leah puts me down and we turn around and see Sarina "would you like that" lotte asks me "um I don't think I'd be good enough" I go shy "trust me you are" Lucy says "really but.." "definitely I wasn't even as good as you at my age" Lucy says

"Leah can Yn join us at training today" Sabrina asks I watch as a proud smile appears on my sisters face "do you want to *nickname*" I nod

"YESSSS mini Williamson's back !!!" Beth screams I flinch at first but then laugh "let's go get you ready then" my sister says I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the incident before this but I'm obviously not going to question it.

Leah, lotte and I make our way back to our room, Alessia had gone with Sarina to get me a kit "I spoke to Katie this morning she wants you to know that you can speak to her about anything" my sister says while brushing my hair "oh I'm sorry I didn't reply to her did I" "it's ok she's not bothered" Leah reassures me "oh ok good Lee you know I'm not 4 I can do my hair" "yeah but I'm doing it" I roll my eyes

"Don't you think you should of become a hair dresser instead Lee" lotte jokes "oh shh" she says as she pats my back indicating that she'd done "thank you sis" I say as alessia arrives "here you go" she passes me a kit "thank you" I say as I walk into the bathroom

Leah's POV

"we really need her to tell us what's happened because if she doesn't then your dad tell the police and he could take her" lotte says "I know but how are we supposed to get her to say anything also she had a weird reaction to me waking her up"

"Wait what what happened" Alessia asks "she screamed please no I'm sorry she was terrified" Alessia and lotte look at each other before Alessia speaks "Lee we were talking and now that's happened it makes even more sense that maybe you're dad hur.." "NO don't go there" I stand up "Lee" lotte says sympathetically "NO ok"

"What about her saying multiple times that he'll" lotte says "yeah he'll be worried he'll be upset" I say trying to think of any other possibility "or he'll be angry" Alessia says "NO you're wrong I don't understand you guys know my dad he'd never" Alessia almost immediately replies "we knew your dad we don't know him" I sigh I know there probably right but I can't understand I have confirmation I'm not going to even say that could be a possibility.

Yn's POV

"I'm ready" I say walking out the bathroom "ooo look at you" Alessia says I blush "right well if we're all ready let's gooo" my sister says enthusiastically. She and lotte take my hands and lotte locks the door.

As we walk through the hallways the guilt flows heavily in my body. I don't deserve to be here
I don't deserve to play football
I don't deserve to be doing anything I want
I don't deserve to be happy
I don't deserve ...
I don't deserve ...
I don't deserve ...
I don't deserve ...
Tears flood my eyes but I quickly wipe them away before anyone notices.

Once we make it to the pitch I hear a familiar, angry voice call my name

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