She almost told me something

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⚠️ T W ⚠️

K z : has she said anything yet
Leah : no and I don't want to push it she is coming with us so that's a start
( they all get ready to go and head to the coach Keira and Georgia and Lucy pull Leah back before getting on the coach )
Leah : is everything ok
Keira : that what we should be asking you .
Georgia : Leah we're here for you it is overwhelming for Yn but it is also overwhelming for you ok talk to us when you need us ok ?
( Leah nods )
Lucy : Leah ( she says sternly )
Leah : I will I promise thank you ( they all get on the bus )

( lottes pov )
As we walk out the changing room I look at Yn and she looks pale and is shaking "do you feel ok *nickname* she nods "you don't look ok"she snaps at me "IM FINE" she then lets go of my had and walks onto the coach and a sense of nostalgia and comfort fills my body as I watch her walk to the spot she always used to sit right at the back right side , window seat . I follow her and sit a few seats across from her to not over step and give her a bit of space . A few minutes later she hasn't said anything and her eyes haven't moved from looking out the window , at the fans leaving ,luckily she doesn't look as pale but is still shaking a lot which is understandable I decide it's best to break the silence before the rest of the girls get on the bus . "Yn you know you can tell us anything" she turns towards me and apologises "I really sorry for reacting like that I'm just overwhelmed and our dad" she stops herself. I reassure her "you don't need to apologise I understand , carry on you can tell me anything I won't judge, I just want to help we all do" "um I just ..." before Yn could finish her sentence the girls started to pile onto the bus .

Leah's POV
I walk to the back of the bus and sit next to my sister . My sisters eyes don't move from looking out the window . As the coach starts to move, I hear my phone beep and as I pick it up I see a text
from lotte , I immediately look at lotte confused she just nods towards my phone so I open the texts

Lotte : she almost told me something but she stopped herself it was something about your dad

I look at lotte , confusion and worry filled across both of our faces

A/n sorry it's so small but I just needed to catch up this version of the story with the TikTok version, the TikTok version is now slightly behind which is how I wanted to write it in the first place ❤️‍🩹

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