"My mum what's happened"

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⚠️ T W ⚠️

( Leah  and lotte POV )

( they have been looking for you for around 20 mins )

Leah : lotte what if she's gone ( she says starting to cry )

Lotte : it'll be ok she might still be here , we might be able to look at the cctv if we can't find her
( she says trying to reassure her )

Leah : we were so close ( she says starting to reflect )

Leah : do you think our parents are or were here with her

Lotte : I'm not sure but Leah listen to me

( she stops in her track and so does Leah )

Leah : yeah

Lotte : your sister and your parents have been missing for almost a year ( she takes a deep breath )

Leah : yes I know ( she says upset and confused )

Lotte : well considering that she was by her self when Katie and Alex found her , your parents might ( she takes another breath nervous about what she has to say )

Leah : spit it out lotte we need to keep looking ( she says annoyed and worried )

Lotte : she didn't answer any of our texts right

Leah : YES

Lotte : and all the police told you is that you're mum was in hospital but that's the only thing they could say

( leah nods annoyingly in agreement )

Lotte : there's a good chance that this was all up to your parents

Leah : no they wouldn't do that to me , to us

Lotte : Leah ( she says sadly )

Leah : NO there's a perfectly ethical reason for everything ( she says annoyed continuing to look for you )

( lotte knows it's best to leave it she's put it out in the air so Leah is aware of the high possibility )

( they continue to look in silence until Leah's phone goes off )

( On the call )

Leah : hello

?? : hello is this miss Leah Williamson

Leah : this is she , who is this

?? : this is the hospital it's regarding your mum we called your dad as he's her next of kin but he didn't answer and your the next on the list

Leah : my mum what's happened ( she questions chocking back tears which alarms lotte )

( off call )

Lotte : is everything ok Leah who's on the phone

( Leah can hardly speak as the hospital nurse explains everything to her she just shakes her head at lotte )

( back on call )

Nurse : your mum has been ill for quite some time which you must of be aware off , we unfortunately got a call around an hour ago from your mum because she had called an ambulance unfortunately I have to inform you that your mum is in intensive care due to her health deteriorating.

Leah : ok thank you for letting me know

Nurse : its no problem if you're planning on visiting her our visiting hours are 9:00 6:30 ok I'm sorry that you're going through this but I can assure you she's in the best hands

Leah : thank you ( she says crying )

( the call end )

Lotte : what's happened ( she says take Leah in for a hug )

Leah : my mum ( she can hardly speak )

Lotte : it's ok take your time

( Leah takes a deep breath )

Leah : my mum has apparently been ill for a while
, she called an ambulance earlier ( she pauses )

Lotte : it's ok breathe ( she says rubbing her arm to reassure her )

Leah : she's in intensive care

Lotte : it'll be ok we'll find your sister and we'll figure it all out ( she says hugging Leah holding the hug for a few seconds whispering reassurance in her ears before letting go )

( Katie's and alessias POV )

The girls are all inside together which makes it easier for Katie and alessia , they gather everyone's attention )

A : you guys it's Yn. ( she says struggling to speak )

( Katie understands and takes over )

Millie T : have you heard from her ( she says hopeful )

K : we ( she pauses )

Katie z : it's ok take your time

K : me and Alex ran into Yn and we stupidly overwhelmed her with questions that she run off , Leah and lotte are looking for her , and so is Alex but we really need you all to look two , but please don't overwhelm her otherwise she'll run i don't know why but I feel she's scared of something

( everyone agrees )
( everyone gets into groups and leaves to look for you )

( Katie k is with Millie T , Ella joins Katie and alessia , Millie b and Mary look together etc )

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