"We can't pretend to know what you've been through but we can try to understand"

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⚠️ T W ⚠️

( you calm down a little still shaking and letting tears slip )

Yn : lucy I need to go

Lucy : no you don't sweetie,

( you start to cry more , you start to worry about your mum . How are you meant to get to her
She will definitely worry if you're not back soon ,
Then she'll definitely figure out where you are )

( you start to shake intensely when you begin to realise you're dad might find out your here too , what if he comes home earlier then normal you'll be in for a good beating if he finds out , what if he already knows )

( both Georgia and Keira along with Lucy can see you start to shake a lot more )

Lucy : talk to us what's going on in your little mind ? She says kindly but you know there's no way you could tell her

( you shake your head and continue to cry your shaking along with your thoughts intensifie )

Keira : yn sweetheart are your parents here  ?
( she knows she should try and get some answers out of you with out overwhelming you )

( you don't answer , you start to feel yourself begin to have a panic attack but you have never had a panic attack as bad as this which makes you panic even more which makes it worse the girls quickly catch on that your about to have a panic attack )

Yn : I ... ca .. bre ( you quickly sit up lucy lets you ,
Georgia and Keira block the doors )

Lucy : yn sweetheart I need you to listen to me

( Lucy stands up infront of you to try and help but you fall to the floor )

Yn : Luc.. hel.. me .. please

( She neels infront of you and takes your hands in hers )

Lucy : Yn your safe me Keira and Georgia are here
all the girls are going to support you , your sister , lotte and alessia are here there on there way they missed you we all did there going to help you

Yn : NO .. ( you shout suddenly trying to catch your breath )

Lucy : what wrong sweetie ( she's confused but suddenly remembers that you tried to run , maybe you didn't want to see your sister but why did you come here then ? Are your parents here two ? Are you scared of something or someone ?
All these questions run through all three of the girls heads )

Yn : I can't .. se.. her.. or th.. m .. ple .. s ..Lucy

( she knows that the panic attack's getting worse so she tells Georgia and Keira to not let them in at the moment )

Yn : please.. lu ..cy

( she squeeze your hands to get your attention )

Lucy : hey Yn don't worry about them right now we need to focus on you

Yn : please no lu.. cy .. the.. y ca..n't

Lucy : hey remember when we pranked Beth
last year and she still doesn't know it was us ( she says trying to change the subject and take your mind off it )

Yn : she.. st..il l .. doesn't.. kno ..w ( you question laughing a little still trying to breathe )

Lucy : no she doesn't but unfortunately we have to snitches present that can't keep there mouths shut

G : hey that's not true we are very good secret keepers

K : what she said

( you laugh thinking about the good memories from all the previous years including when your mum wasn't ill and when your dad .. well when he was different let's just say )

( you all start to talk about your favourite moments of all of you )

( your breath starts to get back to normal and your shaking a lot less until )

( Leah and lotte arrive at the door lucy immediately looks at me )

Yn : no no no ( you start to panic pacing around the hall away from the door their behind )

( Lucy gives Georgia who was by the particular door that they were outside a look )
( Georgia understands and exits the room shutting the door behind her )

(Leah goes to try and go past her but Georgia steps infront of her before speaking)

Leah : what are you doing let me in

G : not yet Leah she's just had a panic attack , the mention of you guys made it worse we managed to calm her down but she was about to have another one when you arrived ( she says sadly )

( Leah and lotte sit down outside and alessia soon arrives and sits with them while the explain everything )

G : she said she needs to get home

Leah : did she say anything about our mum

G : no is everything ok  ?

Leah : no ( she breaks down in tears )
( lotte looks at Leah waiting for approval , Leah nods )

Lotte : their mum has apparently been ill for a while and her mum called an ambulance earlier , she's now in intensive care ( she says hugging Leah )

A : what about your dad ?

Leah : all I know is that they called him but he didn't answer, I assume my parents weren't here
( she says through tears )

Lotte : we need to find out everything but we must be patient we don't know what she's been through

Georgia : she wouldn't answer any questions when Keira asked about your parents she just shook her head not wanting to talk ,

Alessia : I don't think we should even attempt to contact your dad unless Yn tells us everything , Leah I'm sorry but I think we can all agree that somethings not right , she was here all alone and then panicked multiple times, she said she had to go , now we know you're mums been ill ( she pauses nervous )

Leah : something not right with my dad ( she assumes the end of her statement and looks up and sees everyone sadly nodding in agreement )

( Back to Yn and Lucy )
( Georgia had just left )

Lucy : Yn sweetheart you're ok there not coming in yet

( you stop pacing )

Yn : Lucy I can't see them especially my sister you don't understand

Lucy : then why don't you tell me , if you tell us we can help you

Yn : I can't Lucy you don't get it

Lucy : I might not but what I do know is that we all missed you and all want the best for you , we want to help you Yn , we can help you , your sister misses you so much she just wants to help you don't have to tell us or her everything but she just wants to be there for you , we all do , we can't pretend to know what you've been through but we can try and understand ( she smiles softly )

( you just sink into her arms you really want to see Leah but you're scared, you know you can't tell her , you can't tell anyone, you're going to have to come up with an excuse and get home soon , how are you going to convince her to let you leave ? You think to yourself )

( you look up at Lucy and nod , she understands and look to the door and nods to Georgia who is sitting outside )

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