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There was nothing but a minor limp in Umeko's leg as she walked that wouldn't go away with due time when she was all patched up and back on the boat

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There was nothing but a minor limp in Umeko's leg as she walked that wouldn't go away with due time when she was all patched up and back on the boat.
But her leg was not the least of her concerns, as the only thing that was constantly bugging her was the knowledge of the literal Avatar -the enemy of the Fire Nation knowing the secret Umeko had kept hidden from the world for years was now unraveled. 

He could do anything he wanted with that information and until Umeko caught his hands on him again, there was no way she could stop him from spreading the news. It played like an endless loop in Umeko's mind -but what was more troubling was what the Fire Nation might do.

It didn't matter what Umeko told Zuk- Prince Zuko about being his soldier or wanting to help him go back home -within an instance the black haired girl could be locked away to never see the shine of the sun again.
She could be killed on the spot for something she had little to no control over. It was all so stupid and unnecessary. Umeko couldn't understand why she couldn't just exist in peace...

Well, actually, she's in the army so what say does she have over that...

But it didn't matter. For her entire life, nothing had felt fair no matter how many times she followed the rules and kept quiet. But now, her little white lie was out, and Umeko wasn't sure how loud that would be in the end for her.

But, today was a new day. The sun was shining, Umeko was still breathing and the sea air was as fresh as it could be.
Walking out the door, Umeko stopped herself and held the door open as General Iroh was right behind her, somehow no making a sound.

He thanked Umeko as he stepped out and was quickly joined by Prince Zuko. And again, with no fault or means of her own, Umeko walked behind Prince Zuko and General Iroh as they made their way towards the small fire on the head of the ship where Lieutenant Jee and two other officers stood for some warmth.

"Any news?" Prince Zuko asked as he strolled up towards them. He had set the task of finding any information -no matter how small in Lieutenant Jee's hands for the time being. It would've been Umeko's job, but her injury from the past week and refrained her from much walking and running.

Lieutenant Jee straightened his back. "No sir."

Prince Zuko's shoulder dropped slightly. "Nothing? How many places can there be for a giant sky bison to hide?"
That part was true. However the Avatar and the two Water Tribe siblings managed to conceal the identity of the bison was beyond anything Umeko could think of.

"And no reports of anything unusual?" Prince Zuko added.

"None." Lieutenant Jee shook his head. "Except..."
That word alone and Umeko knew that from Jee's luck, it would be about the Avatar.

"Except what?" Zuko must've woken up halfway on the wrong side of the bed and his tilted his head ever so slightly to the side.

"One of the resupply merchants mentioned something about kids playing with ice blocks near Senlin Pass... But he was probably mistaken."

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