prince zuko and his crew

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Lieutenant Umeko of the Great Fire Nation army was not meant to exist

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Lieutenant Umeko of the Great Fire Nation army was not meant to exist. By the way and the fate of the world, her kind were supposed to have been wiped out over a century ago. Umeko was Fire Nation born, but Umeko was an air-bender.

There was a dream Umeko had fairly often. Although it was not a dream, it was actually a memory. It took place 100 years ago, and it happened through the soul of her great, great grandfather.

Umeko didn't know his name, nor what became of him. But he was one of the soul survivors of the Fire Nation raid. He hid himself amongst the Fire Nation, and through time, his life was forgotten.

And it was only generations later that the air-bender genes really pulled through and latched on strong to Umeko. She was 4 years old when she learnt she was an air-bender and not a fire bender.

And it was that day on she was practically hidden from society, trained by her father -an Admiral of the Great Fire Nation and loyal to the throne. For a time before his death, he worked directly under Fire Lord Ozai. Umeko was taught a variety of things.

How the Fire Nation was going to save the world, and how Fire Lord Ozai was restoring balance now that the Avatar was gone. Umeko was also taught how to fight without the help of any fire-bending, as that was a skill she did not have; yet it did not stop her from reaching such a high rank at such a young age.

Although, even with being the first non-bender in the Fire Nation, Umeko was never allowed to go and represent the Fire Nation in any battle fronts. Instead, she was sent to what was probably the furthest point away from the Fire Nation -scouting the Southern Water Tribe in search for? Ding, ding! The Avatar!

And it was with none other than the infamous Prince himself, Prince Zuko.
It was uncommon new to hear about the famed Prince Zuko. Umeko had heard all the stories about him, and now that she was going to met him, she wasn't sure what to think. She was told he was hot-headed, cruel and relentless to get what he wanted.

But at the same time, there were stories about him saying how sad he probably was with his scar, and the way he wasn't as skilled as a firebender than the legends in his family. Umeko wasn't sure how he got the scar, but a training accident seemed like a pretty reasonable idea.

There were a lot of stories, and ideas on the Prince Zuko that Umeko should've taken into account. But she has never met Prince Zuko, so why should she base him off stories instead of her own opinion.
Prince Zuko had been conducting his search for the Avatar for nearly 3 whole years now, and Umeko was set to met him on the borders near the Southern Water tribe.

Well, Umeko saw Prince Zuko. He was in the middle of a sparring lesson with one of the poor members of the crew and it was General Iroh, the famous Dragon of the West that kindly showed Umeko to her chambers and a little ways around the ship.
Zuko had his heart and soul set into the mission of finding the Avatar and bring him back to the Fire Nation so Zuko could call that place a home once again.

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