Pirate AU

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A thick fog blanketed everything for miles around. The mist rolled on the surface of the vast ocean, diffusing the light of the moon. It obscured the surroundings as well as the deck of the ship, rolling down steps and seeping into every crevice.
Through the porthole, Violet could see nothing but grey. It mattered very little however, on a night like this there was nothing but black to be seen.

"You, girl, fetch us another bottle of wine."

Violet's face fell into a scowl at the sound of that voice.
For most of her life, Violet had been under the employ of various rich English aristocrats.
Lords, ladies, anyone with a large house and a coin purse to match.
Her grandmother was a servant, her mother was a servant, and Violet inevitably became one too.
She couldn't stand the pompous assholes she had to work for. Despite their high standing, they had not an ounce of class between them.

"Are you deaf? Hurry up."

Violet turned to face the five men gathered at the mahogany dining table. They looked small sitting behind the mountains of food with which the table was laden.
She put on a polite face, curtsied, and made her way into the next room, the ship's pantry.
Violet ran her finger lightly along the bottle necks on the wine rack before selecting a new bottle for her employer and his friends.

"No, not that one damn it." Lord Topland snapped, accidentally spitting out a chunk of ham.

"So sorry..." Violet mumbled, bowing her head.

"Absolutely useless." He turned to his company, "it's a wonder she's still employed."

"Oh, I've a fair idea why you keep her around, old friend." One of the aristocrats said, making eyes at Violet.

She shuddered.

"Bring the bottle of twelve year old red, and do try to get it right this time."

Violet walked back into the pantry, shutting the wooden slat doors behind her.
She grabbed the bottle, then furiously mimed smashing it over Topland's head.
Every damned day it was the same: he would ask for something, she'd do it, then get berated for apparently not following his orders.
She sighed and slowly lowered the bottle onto the bench in the middle of the room, leaning on it for support.
A few deep breaths later, she was ready to face the room again, but a loud boom from outside stopped her in her tracks.
Violet peered out the porthole but still saw nothing but fog.
Yet another boom sounded, this time accompanied by a loud whistle and the splintering of wood. The ship rocked in place and then came the sound of heavy footsteps above deck.
The shot of a musket made her jump, shaking her to her senses.
They were being boarded.
Violet looked around the room, putting the wine down and grabbing a heavy looking meat cleaver.
It sounded like absolute bedlam upstairs, gunshots, metal hitting metal, shouting. The dining room next door wasn't much better, there was the sound of frantic scurrying and doors opening and closing.
Violet heard the door to the dining room get kicked open, shattering the ornate glass window.
Lord Topland screamed and Violet backed away from the door, bumping into an upright closet.
Deciding she didn't feel like being killed, she got inside and shut the door, still clutching the cleaver.


"Get him on his feet!"

Topland was dragged by his ankles out of his hiding space under the table. He kicked and screamed but it was useless. He was hoisted up and held at the end of a blade by two men.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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