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"Is that it?" Louis asked, looking through the binoculars.
"I won't know until you let me look." Violet replied, crossing her arms.
Louis handed her the binoculars and she fixed her gaze on the same spot he had been looking. In the distance, on top of a vast, grassy hill, was an enormous wall. It bordered what appeared to be a community.
"That's gotta be it." Violet said quietly.
She was optimistic, which wasn't something that she usually felt. That being said, she didn't want to get her hopes too high.
"I mean, it's on a hill. Jesus said it was called Hilltop, so I think our chances are pretty good." Clementine joked, moving slowly behind them.
She was still having trouble adjusting to the salvaged wood and metal prosthetic leg Willy and AJ had built for her, needing her crutches for support.
Violet turned around and smiled at her, a gesture Clem returned.
Every time Violet saw her girlfriend walking again, her heart soared. Not many people could bounce back from losing a limb the way Clem did, she was the strongest person Violet knew.
It was undoubtedly one of the reasons she loved her. Although, she hadn't actually said the words to Clem.
It seemed simple in theory, 'I love you'. But the moment never seemed right. Violet wanted it to be special the first time she told Clem she loved her, she didn't want to rush it.
"It's a pretty big hike up there, you gonna be alright?" Violet asked Clem, giving Louis the binoculars back.
"I've got it. And if I need any help, maybe you can carry me." She chuckled.


"What's it gonna be like there?" AJ asked enthusiastically.
"No idea, kiddo. I've never actually been." Clem replied.
"That Jesus guy said we'd be welcome, you trust him?" Aasim asked from behind them.
"I trust him. He's a good guy."
They made it up the small incline, Violet held Clementine's back for support while she worked her way up. They could all clearly see Hilltop now, a massive community surrounded by solid walls. It was all they had hoped it would be.
Violet let herself get even more optimistic, she fantasised about taking a shower and eating fresh fruit and vegetables.
"I don't see any guards on the wall up there." Louis said.
"Me either, that's weird." Clem said slowly.
"Maybe they-."
Violet wasn't able to finish her sentence, the loud crack of a gunshot interrupted her. It sounded close, she even heard a zip right by her left ear, which was now buzzing.
"Shit, who the fuck just shot at us?" She hissed through gritted teeth.
It was only then that she noticed Clementine was no longer standing. The curly haired girl was lying on her back in the grass, clutching at her chest.
Violet's stomach dropped, the buzzing seemed to move from only one ear to both. Her head felt like it would explode, the noise was overwhelming and yet she could still hear Clementine's dogged breathing as clear as anything.
Crimson liquid soaked through the hoodie Clem wore, making her hand slick with it. She looked up at Violet, with panic in her eyes.
"V...Vi..." she stuttered, unable to get out a full sentence.
"You're gonna be okay, Clem. Just look at me, look at me." Ruby said in a soothing voice, rushing to Clementine's side.
She began pulling things out of her first aid kit, bandages, a roll of sutures, peroxide, painkillers.
Violet took hold of Clem's other hand and squeezed it.
"Ruby's gonna help you... she's gonna help you..." Violet repeated, looking at Clementine with tears brimming in her eyes.
Clem gulped, grimacing painfully as she did. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth and Violet's eyesight went fuzzy, returning to her after a few seconds.
She wished it had never come back when she saw Clementine lying completely motionless in front of her. Ruby checked her pulse.
"Clem... don't..."
The short, red haired girl turned to Violet with a grim expression. Violet shook her head, still holding onto Clementine's hand.
"That's not... no..." was all she could manage.
"I'm so sorry, darlin'." Ruby croaked, pulling her into an embrace.
Violet was numb, tears flowed freely down her face and a stabbing pain in her chest tormented her. Ruby's hug did nothing to ease the anguish she was feeling.
With shaky hands, she reached down and caressed Clementine's cheek.
The bright eyes that she had looked into that night on the bell tower when she confessed her feelings, were glazed over, staring at nothing.
Violet began sobbing, burying her face into Clem's neck.
She heard someone running towards them, the clacking of armour. She didn't care, she just wanted to be left alone.
"Oh my god, I... I'm so sorry!" A voice she didn't recognise cried.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Louis confront the armoured man. He was holding a rifle, not by the grip, but loosely at his side and pointed down.
He exchanged words with Louis, well, more accurately, Louis yelled at him and he replied.
"Walkers don't use crutches!" Louis shouted.
"She was so far away, the way she was moving... I didn't see the crutches!"
AJ was sobbing somewhere behind her, but Violet didn't want to look away. All she wanted to see was Clem's face. It was almost like she was asleep, but the blood on her face made perfectly sure Violet couldn't soothe herself by pretending.
"She's gonna turn soon, you guys gotta..." The man trailed off.
That, Violet heard. That, made her mad.
"Don't you fucking touch her." She growled, glaring at him.
"Look, I'm very sorry. But it'll need to be done sooner or later."
She made a vain attempt to shield Clem with her body, spreading her arms out at her sides.
She just needed more time, that's all. Time to say goodbye.
Oh god.
She had never told Clem she loved her. She'd never get a chance now. The realization brought her more tears, she was racked by sobs. Her shoulders jolted up and down in time with her uneven breathing.
She took another look at Clem's face. Her usually darker skin was pale and gray. Violet squeezes her eyes shut. She didn't want to see Clementine like this, she wanted to remember her the way she was.
Her eyes snapped back open when another gunshot split the air. There was now a bloody wound in Clementine's temple.
Violet looked towards the only person carrying a gun. The man lowered it and raised a hand defensively.
Without a second thought, Violet attacked him. The gun clattered to the floor and she began raining down blows on his face.
"I'll fucking kill you!" She screamed.
The man put up his arms to protect his face, Violet pulled her arm back to hit him again, but she was grabbed from behind.
"Violet, that's enough!" Louis said firmly, "that's enough."
She was out of energy, that was all she had in her. Violet slumped in his hold, letting her legs fold beneath her.
Clementine was gone, and she wasn't coming back.

I am so sorry, this is dark as fuck but I wanted to write this scene to see how it would play out. The rest of the one-shots won't be as depressing I promise.

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