Night Terrors: TWDG/Dying Light Crossover AU

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[This is a little teaser of the first chapter of my TWDG/Dying Light AU]

"Come on, move it!" Clementine shouted down the hall, holding the double doors open.

Her partner sprinted around a corner and down the hall of the decrepit apartment, almost tripping over himself.
Both his hands were full, carrying G.R.E care packages.
Clementine had one strapped to her back and another in her hand. They weren't small, each one being roughly backpack-sized.
Further down the hall, a manic shrieking echoed through the building, slowly growing closer.
Just as he reached the door with her, the source of the screaming rounded the corner.
A horde of virals sprinted frenziedly towards them. They zigzagged unpredictably, advancing on the pair. They were so close, Clem could see the blood tracks leaking from the corners of their glassy eyes.
With all her strength, she slammed the doors shut and threw down the steel brace that kept it shut.
Seconds later, undead hands pounded on the door, trying to get at their prey.
Clementine hunched over, trying to catch her breath while her partner lay flat on his back panting.

"Fucking hell... don't think I've ever seen that many virals in one place before..." He wheezed.

"Me either... Did you see all those weird fleshy things on the walls? I think we walked into a nest."

"A nest? Thank god we didn't run into any Volatiles, no way we would have made it out."

"Hey, we made it. No need to talk like that."

She extended her free hand and helped him to his feet.
The street outside the apartment was surprisingly empty. A single biter wandered in the distance, but it was too far to be a threat.
Clementine and her partner started walking across the parking lot.

"How much do you think we can get for these?" She asked, holding up the care package.

"For all of them? I think we can get five thousand, easy." He chuckled.

"Two and a half grand each sounds pretty damn good to me." Clem replied, smirking.

They crossed an old van and without warning, a bullet snapped through the air.
It hit her partner in the throat, piercing through and shattering the side window of the van.
He dropped the care packages and clutched at his throat, gurgling through the stream of blood coming out of his mouth.
Clementine dove for cover behind the van as another shot ricocheted off the hood.
She couldn't do anything but watch as her partner squirmed on the ground. Gradually, his movements slowed and he fell silent in a pool of crimson.
Since the bullet had gone through him and hit the window, it only made sense that the shooter was on the opposite side of the van than she was. If they were smart, they would be hidden.
Very carefully, Clem peeked through the unbroken window and spotted two figures on the adjacent roof. Sunlight glinted off the glass of the scope, giving them away.
She saw them turn towards her and ducked just in time to avoid a bullet that shattered the remaining window.
Glass showered down onto her head and she sank behind the panel of the van.
As she did, her foot snagged on something, a manhole cover.
Years ago, when she was training to be a runner, her mentor had showed her lots of tricks for getting around Harran efficiently.
One of them was the sewers. The sewers, while dangerous and usually occupied by infected, could take you anywhere in the city without being seen.
All she needed to do was use the tunnel to get behind the building, from there she could get the jump on the snipers.


"She hasn't moved in a while." Civan said, peeing through the scope of his rifle.

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