Chapter 42: A Lesson To Learn Seth

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language and violence.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 42...


'Wife?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

It had caught her off guard painting a pink complexion on her cheeks.

"N-Nothing" (Yeretzy, said)

She said embarrassed.

'Lean away'

"..." (Alexander)

He leaned away but his eyes remained on her.


Even when they all sat at the table.

"Eat this" (Alexander, said)

He said as he passed her a slice of carrot cake.


"The carrot cake is pretty good Yeretzy "(Ariella, said)

Ariella glanced at Yeretzy as she said.

'Well...let's take a bite...!' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'So Yummy!' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Lately, she had been eating better under obviously the care of Alexander and she had not thrown up.

It had been long since she had found the taste enjoyable.

"By the way what did his majesty say about the Dragon?" (Ariella, asked)

"Nothing much he wants to place the dragon on the Olympic games" (Alexander, said)

He said with an unserious face because who the hell would get the dragon there?

Not him for sure so good luck to those who wanted to try.

"There's no that even possible?" (Ariella, asked)

If they really wanted to she knew that they would do it just to have that dragon.

"Well it's quite large but it's only a young dragon if it were an adult dragon then that would difficult things" (Terrance, said)

He added on.

"We are not taking part in capturing it" (Alexander, said)

"It might be the last of its species we'll only make it go extinct and I'm sure he understood quite well" (Alexander, said)

"Poor dragon" (Tulip, said)

Tulip added sadly to the conversation feeling bad for the dragon.

'That's true it is very young...she might actually be the only one of its species and it woke up because of me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I hope the dragon can be safe' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She lowered her head a little in sadness as Alexander continued to look at her.


'Step, Step, Step'


'Why does he keep following me? Does he want to say something to me?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She walked slowly around the indoor greenhouse as Alexander followed her right behind her after everyone had left.

It was good enough that she was giving him his back if not she would have seen her shy expression.

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