Chapter 8: The Banquet Of A King And Queen

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***WARNING: This chapter contains foul language, abuse, and sensitive content.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 8...

At Sierra's beautiful smile, the maids who waited alongside the bottom of the stairs whispered about her beauty.

"Lady Sierra is so beautiful" (Maids, whispering)

"Her beauty is beyond comparison" (Maids, whispering)

"No wonder she has many suitors" (Maids, whispering)

'It's obvious she's treated so differently than me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'They hate the sight of me while they love the sight of can't be helped, all I have to do is keep trying to win the affection of the maids so their less hostile to me' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Nice to meet you, lady Sierra, you are very beautiful indeed" (Yeretzy, said)

She smiled brightly at Sierra.

"!" (Sierra)

Sierra's eyes widen then eased up quickly turning to the right to look at Ariella.

"Ariella why didn't you mention that Lex's wife was as beautiful as her character?" (Sierra, asked)

She said cheerfully as she asked Ariella.

"You wouldn't have asked like this before" (Arieall, said)

She said with a side glance at Yeretzy.

Soon Sierra side glanced at Yeretzy as well.

'Huh? Did she look at me like this before? Or is it because I'm wearing a Southern dress?' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Well, then let's get going before we arrive late" (Ariella, said)

Soon Ariella spoke to both Yeretzy and Sierra to get moving.


-Inside Sageion's Place banquet hall-

'Now I just look like a complete...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Yeretzy thought as she tried to hide her nerves.

She now stood alone like a complete fool as Ariella and Sierra talked very far away with a group of people.

'Looking at this...I can't help to think of the banquet in Marabey and the charity banquets my mother made me attend in my past life' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'It was full of people who only knew how to take advantage and introduce themselves to powerful people to gain their favor' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

She thought as she stared at Ariella and Sierra ignoring her as if her existence was irreverent.

'These people only cared for my father, Salma, and my brother Rupert who had higher power' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Dillion hardly went to banquets, he rather spent his days hunting or completing merchant jobs' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Surprisingly the Pope let Dillion do as he please when it came to that since Rupert was already the face ' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Compared to me and Dillion no one in Marabey really approached us out of sincerity they were only hungry for my father and Rupert's power' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Since Salma happened to be the official wife of my father and had an upper hand among the older noble women it was obvious they would get close to her not caring about any of their true nature' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

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