Chapter 8

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Damian's pov -

Damian spend the entirety of last night smiling and remembering what happened just hours before. After the kiss under the fireworks, they walked back hand in hand to Marinette's bakery, where they said there goodbyes and promised each other for a second date, that Damian plans out, of course.

He woke up this morning praying that Grayson wouldn't be there to kill his mood, and to his luck, he already left. He did leave a massage on his phone telling him to 'spill all the tea'. He never knew what it ment before, but with the experience of living with his idiotic family for a few years, Damian knew now that it ment, 'tell me every fucking thing that you did.'

Damian rolled his eyes and got ready for school, trying his best to keep his composure neutral, at least until he saw Marinette today.

He walked to Marinette's bakery, and went inside. He greeted her parents and eagerly waited for her. After about two minutes, Marinette stumbled into the room, immediately flushing at the sight if Damian. He could see her parents smirking to each other as Marinette and Damian greeted each other good morning, and to be honest, it felt like today was going to be a good day for Damian.

They walked along the sidewalk, talking and sneaking glances at each other, blushing slightly when they both caught each there staring at the same time. Damian risked it all and slithered a hand into hers. His calloused hand wrapped around her smooth ones perfectly, he could feel Marinette tense up, and ease up in mere seconds. Marinette smiled at him, that made his heart beat faster, 'this girl.' he looked at her dreamily. They walked comfortably to the school, hand in hand, laughing and enjoying each others company.


It's already the fourth period and Damian can guarantee that the class immediately knew something happened between Marinette and him, and they made sure to stay away today. To be honest, Damian preferred this way, just him and Marinette, plus her group, he couldn't ignore them, if he wanted Marinette. They were bearable, so it wasnt too much of a big deal.

They were doing their work quietly, when the bell rang once again. Is it already time for the lunch break? He didn't even notice the clock ticking by, all he could think of was the intertwined hands of his and Marinette's under the table, away from any prying eyes.

"Hey, Damian? Want to go back to the bakery to eat something?" Damian's head nodded so fast he felt dizzy. Marinette smile and separated their hands to pack her things. Damian frowned , he already missed her touch. They told the rest of the gang to come along if they wanted to, but they gave knowing glances to both of them and said it wouldn't be necessary, and they didn't pry any further of course.

They went back to the bakery and grabbed some food. They were delicious, as always. They had plenty of time left so they decided to walk around a bit, but was unfortunately interrupted by an Akuma.

They could hear screaming coming from each direction, and suddenly people were running in crowds between them. Damian immediately wanted to get to a safe place for Marinette but as he tried to reach for her, she was missing. He looked around, confused. 'where the hell did she go?' he started panicking, what if something happens to her? They got separated in the crowd, what if the akuma got to her? No no no, he had to find her right now. He pushed away the people in his way, and frantically tried to find her.

Marinette's pov -

She felt horrible. She couldn't believe she had to abandon Damian like that! But he way going to be okay, Marinette knew he could defend himself, no matter what, Paris had to always come first.

She transformed into LadyBug and tried to locate the akuma, but then she noticed Damian frantically looking around for her. Suddenly she spotted the akuma, a akuma who apparently turned everything she hits into a tree, threw a sphere she had in her hands where Damian was standing. She dived and lifted Damian up into the air before it hit him.


"Yeah, you almost turned into a tree there monsieur, be more careful, alright?"

She said as she looked into his eyes. A flash of recognition and confusion clouded his brilliant green eyes and she panicked. She quickly averted her gaze before he could recognize her and landed in a safe area without much people. She hurriedly said bye and swang away.

'shitshitshit, did he recognize me? Ugh Marinette you dumbass.'
She didn't have any more time to yell at herself as she joined the rest of her team to battle the akuma. The city was filled with trees bigger than the buildings. It seemed like this one was a nature lover.

"Bug, you got a plan?"

She looked around and found the akuma, she studied her and realized the butterfly must be in her necklace, the trouble was that it was incredibly hard to locate and come up with a good plan since the trees covered everything in their sight. She sighed, this one is gonna take a while to take down.

**Insert fight scene because I'm dumb and I can't come up with anything, plus im horrible at writing fight scenes, use your imagination y'all, sorry 🗿**

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug threw her lucky charm into the air, turning everyone back to human. Marinette, Alix and Chloe was fine but Adrian was sporting a nice cut on his chest, result of trying to distract and play with the akuma for too long. It wasnt too deep so he would be fine.

"Bug, I'll take Chat Noir and patch him up in our base, you go and find you know who." Honeybee said with a hint of smugness in her voice. Bunnyx and Chat Noir shot her looks of smugness and mischief as she felt her cheeks heat up. They waved at her and went on their way. After consoling the poor woman who turned into the akuma, Ladybug swang back close to the bakery. She transformed back into Marinette behind a wall and started running, trying to find Damian, praying to the miraculouses that he hadn't figured out her alter ego.

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