Chapter 7

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A/N: Im sorry for taking so long to update, I'm really busy these days, and I changed the books name from 'Thank you, my love' to 'the new student'. I know its a really boring name but I couldn't think of a way to make the original name make sense, so I changed it to a more obvious one. Since I'm updating super late, here's a longer chapter for yall! I want to mention that I got inspiration for this date from another fanfic that I can't remember the name of. And I just want you to know this was that authors idea that I kindaaaaaa stole lol.

Time skip to Sunday

Damian's pov -

Saying that he was mad was an understatement. He had to physically threaten Grayson with his katana to convince him not to stalk him and Marinette. He swore that he had business to do and that he won't stalk Damian, but Damian didn't trust him so he was being more attentive to his surroundings, but that didnt stop his overthinking.

'Grayson's advice didn't mention how to act around her, do I let my guard down? Would that weird her out? Or would it weird her out if I was colder, I do tend to get more closed off when I don't know how to act-'

He continues overthinking, unconsciously tugging at his turtleneck to make sure he looks good until someone tapped on his shoulder, he turned around and his mind went blank.'oh.'

Marinette was wearing a black dress with a corset design and thick straps. The collar wasnt too deep but it was enough to show her collarbones. The dress was simple and ended right above her knees and it was paired with a red cropped denim jacket. He immediately knew it was a MDC original from the small signature on the collar of the jacket, he can ask about that later.

She looked beautiful, as always. But what caught his eyes attention the most was her face. Her hair was in a slightly messy bun and a few strands of hair framed her face. She had put on a little makeup, some lipgloss and mascara that made her eyes stick out, and it was paired with a cute natural blush on her cheeks. Her eyes were clear and was radiating with excitement.

She smiled nervously and greeted him,

"Hey Dami. Goodmorning! U-um you look great! I mean you always look great but anyways, we're gonna have so much fun today, we have to ride as many roller coasters as possible and eat as much as we can. Did you know about the fireworks? They plan to do fireworks after dark and I got permission to be a little late today so we have the entire day to ourselves. Ahhh I'm so excited!" She rambled on and the only thought in Damian's mind was, 'god she's adorable.'

Damian greeted her back after her rant ended and gave her a small smile and said,

"Good morning angel. I'm sure we have enough time to do all the activities, I would also like to accompany you to the fireworks. So tell me, where should we start?"

Marinette beamed and grabbed Damian's hand and lead him to some games. Damian genuinely enjoyed the physical touch, only because it was his angel though.

Marinette's pov -

Today was going great. Marinette was currently holding five stuffed toys and a slushie while walking around just chatting with Damian. For the first time in months, she was truly enjoying someone's company.

She saw three kids and decided to give out three stuffed toys to them, when she handed them over they smiled and thanked her and ran off. Marinette smiled and looked at the two remaining plushies, it was a pink axolotl and a white cat with orange and black stripes, both were cute and squishy. The axolotl was won by Damian and was given to Marinette, which she already named Mister Axolotl because she couldn't decide on a name.

The cat was won by her in a match between Damian And Marinette. Marinette wanted to give the cat plushie to Damian so he could remember her by. She internally cringed, thinking how stupidly cringy and overly emotional she was being, oh what this gorgeous boy is doing to her.

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