Chapter 6

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Dick's pov:

Dick noticed early on that Damian has had a change of attitude. But he of course decided to keep it to himself and observe for a while. But since he was so busy he couldn't do much research (when he says research, he means stalking).

But now he was way too excited, his baby brother was texting someone. I know right!? Texting?! Impossible! It definitely could be Jon, but Dick had a suspicion that says otherwise. He mentally gasping, 'omg Damian has a friend??, maybe thats why he's less aggressive' he couldn't believe himself so he decided to watch Damian while drinking some Coffee he made for himself. Work is exhausting with all the akuma attacks. He really needed to inform Batman today, but they still had a couple of hours before they had to take the zeta tube to Gotham.

Damian smiled, well, like a small upturn of his lips but it counts as a smile when it came to Damian. Dick's eyes went wide. He swore to himself that he would find out who he was texting tonight, doesn't matter if he dies it would be worth it, he was gonna find out who is he talking to, I mean, could he even call himself a big brother if he doesnt sneak through Damian's phone and spill the tea to the rest of their family?

Damian kept his phone down and left for a moment, telling Dick that he needed to get something from his room. After making sure he was gone, Dick quickly grabbed Damian's phone and tried to open it. Suddenly there was a knife pointed at his throat, Dick gulped, shit.

"Put my phone down Grayson." Damian growled out.

"But babybird, I just wanna know who your talking to, why don't you tell meee?" Dick whined out, praying that he won't get his limbs broken or cut off.

Damian hesitated for a moment and said, "tt, it's none of your business Grayson."

Dick just sighed, "You can't hide forever, and there's nothing wrong in having a friend, just tell me, I swear on my life I'm not gonna spill to the others." He promised.

Dick was surprised when Damian's eyes showed nervousness. He was more surprised when Damian nodded his head.

"Tt. Listen here, the only reason I'm telling you is because I want advice, do you understand?" Damian said.

Dick just nodded his head dumbly. 'advice? Since when does he ever ask for advice? What the hell is going on? Who is his friend and what is he nervous about?' Dick was internally screaming to himself silently.

"And..." Damian hesitated again. "She's not just a friend to me."

Dick knew at that moment he was probably hallucinating. No way in hell does his little brother like a girl. Then he scolded himself, 'Damian isn't a monster, he's human, of course he'd like a girl, but it's definitely a extremely rare occasion.'

Dick looked up at Damian smiled, "I can't believe you like a girl, I wouldn't have guessed im a million years. Im proud of you Damian, I know its not easy for you to give in to your emotions."
He said, trying to be a understanding and helpful brother. He was grateful that Damian decided to open up, now it was time to give him actual advice like a big brother, he knew Damian favoured him the most out of the others, he wouldn't admit it to anyone, but it melted his heart.

Damian's pov -

What the hell was he doing? Why was he asking Grayson, of all people, for advice? 'Marinette, what are you doing to me?' Damian just sighed. What was the use of denying it when he already spilled?

Dick looked at Damian and gave him a big smile and said,
"I can't believe you like a girl, I wouldn't have guessed in a million years. Im proud of you Damian, I know its not easy for you to give in to your emotions."

Damian was flabbergasted. 'Maybe asking him for advice isn't too bad' Damian just nodded and said,

"...Thank you, Grayson. I appreciate your attitude. But the problem is uhh....I have a date with the said girl..."

Dick's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. Damian waited for the annoying screaming, and he was disappointed, because well, Dick started screaming much more than he anticipated. He wouldn't be able to hear Marinette's cute laugh anymore, his poor ears.


Damian grumbled about how stupid he was to think Dick would act maturely. Dick heard and scowled.

"Hey I can be mature. Fine okay what advice do you need?"

Damian took a deep breath, after some minor advice from Dick, he would be able to be prepared for his date. But now, they should go to the Batcave for patrol.

Le time skip to the Bat cave

Damian's pov:

Damian knew that Dick was contemplating on whether to spill the beans to his brothers or keep it for himself. The bats finished patrol and Dick and Damian gave there statements on the Paris attacks, this Hawkmoth and the Miraculous team was getting more and more interesting.

Damian glared at Dick, 'Grayson I dare you...', he was ready to punch Dick. He winced at Damian's glare and shook his head. So it seems like he really won't tell the others, guess Damian will let him live.

"So Hawkmoth attacks about every two days and Ladybug seems to repair all the damages? Have you gotten any more information about the rest of the team and her?"

Dick spoke up, "It seems that there really good at keeping their identity hidden so we still dont have any leads. And Hawkmoth has only shown his face once before on a holiday called Hero's day a few years back. He seems to be able to control peoples emotions and it seems like he targets everyone no matter the age. We don't know much about Hawkmoth and we need to find away to contact Ladybug and ask her about it."

"So this guy even controls kids? That's fucked up." Red Hood said with a sneer.

Damian nodded. "As for Ladybug and her team, they all posses different miraculouses and each of them has a unique power, Hawkmoth seems to be after Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses for a reason that only the heros know. We found a few more details here and there but thats about it that we found. We asked around but it seems that the civilians are unaware of the situation any further. We'll be sure to gather more information by next week."

Batman nodded while Red Robin typed away on the computer, saving all the information into a file. Cat Woman was taking the day off and Spoiler and BlackBat was on a mission just like Dick and Damian, only their mission was much more serious and they wouldn't be able to talk to them for a few months.

"I see. Thanks for the information, it's getting quite late and you two should head back to Paris, or if you want you can stay the weekend." Batman said, trying to be serious and fatherly at the same time.

"There's no need father, we will head out now. We'll see you tomorrow, good night."  Damian said and Nightwing said his goodbyes and they both headed back to their Paris Apartment.

Marinette's pov:

"Guysssss, What do I wearrrr?" Marinette was panicking, theres no perfect fit, what if she can't find a good outfit? Damian would be disappointed.

"Chill out Mari, how about this?" Chloe and the others were choosing clothes when Chloe picked a outfit and showed it to her. This one was really good, appropriate for a casual date and enough to look pretty, it was perfect. Marinette gleamed, 'I can make this one work.'

A/N- I'm not very happy with this chapter but it'll work. Im super excited to write the date though!

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