Chapter 4

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Time skip to 3 weeks later

Damian's pov:

Damian was panicking, it's been a few days and he seem to get more and more attached to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. At first he kept him face and emotions neutral, but he quickly realized he won't be able to hide much longer as Marinette walked through the door to their classroom. She was wearing a gray cropped shirt that fit her nicely, with a black shorts(not too short, it was appropriate) and a cream cardigan with her hair loose, she looked wonderful, as always. As she made her way back to their table, she politely greeted him.

They have been hanging out more for the last 3 weeks, and Damian tried his best to keep his composure. Though internally he was screaming, not that he would ever admit it.

He was sent to Paris as it seemed that their was a terrorist that controls people's emotions, and Tim couldnt get enough information on the situation. They decided to report to the Batfamily every weekend of how the situations are being handled. So far, its been three akumas a week, and Damian and Dick has gotten a few more interesting info that they were ready to report tonight as well, because they decided to use the zeta tubes to visit the Manor every night, for patrol.

Damian has been extremely irritated the last few months, and managed to almost kill a few criminals, plus he broke Jason's arm twice. He was getting out of control and Bruce decided to give him a change of scenery, and he was sent to Paris with Dick. Damian highly disapproved of this and tried to reason with(aka threatened) his father but it seemed to add more reason to send him away.

Lately though Damian has been more calm, and it was thanks to Marinette. Dick's been busy with work so he's been over to the bakery almost everyday in the last few weeks. She seems to have that affect on him, calming him down and making him smile slightly, though he tries not to loosen up much. He was still in denial of his supposed "crush" on Marinette as Jon called them, but he was still contemplating at that thought.

As Mari and Damian greeted each other, Marinette sat on her seat. She started talking about a fashion project she was working on, that Damian actually listened to. Marinette informed him that the rest of the group would be a little late today, to which he just nodded. Good, now I have more time with her. He thought but then had a battle with himself, he can't believe he's feelings these emotions because of a girl. What happened to being cold to everyone?

Right then Lila Rossi decided to walk in with some other classmates in tow. She continued to talk, as Alya gave Marinette her usual daily glare, which Marinette ignored. Damian was ready to kill the stupid idiot of a reporter, no one touches Marinette or glares at her on his watch. He's been observing for the last few days and had noticed how the bullying was far more worse than what the rest of the group mentioned. Damian wondered how much Marinette was hiding, as he notices the subtle flinches she has if some classmates talk to her.

As Damian took the position of Marinette's unofficial bodyguard, Rossi had kept her rightful distance, but today she decided to strike again.

Lila whispered something loudly enough for the sheep to hear, that Marinette and Damian couldn't catch. They all instantly glared at Marinette as started yelling at her.

"Marinette, you told Lila to kill herself?"
"What the hell Nettie, that's so not cool."
"We cant believe we ever thought you were nice!"
"Its better if you die anyway, no one would care about you anyway you slut. How dare you tell that to Lila!"

The last comment made Damian's blood boil. As he looked at the person who said it, his anger toward the wannabe reporter increased even more. Cèsaire. Damian was ready to throw his book at her stupid face as Marinette spoke up,

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