Chapter 3

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Damian's pov:

Damian wasn't sure what he was doing. He swore he wouldn't make any friends in Paris, even though Bruce told him to. He was irritated, and the class he went to was filled with a bunch of idiots. But then why did he get inserted into a friend group despite him trying not to. Maybe it was out of boredom, or he wasn't gonna lie around listening to Lila's lies, or maybe because Marinette and her group were the only people who were sensible in miss Bustier's class. What a incompetent teacher.

Or maybe he did it because of Marinette Dupain-Cheng...That girl was normal like everyone else, but yet, managed to gain his attention without trying. Maybe its because she's bearable than others, or it's her eyes, it made him want to know more about her.

So there he was, in front of the best bakery in Paris. As Marinette opened the door and they both stepped into the bakery, Damian instantly felt warm, fresh smell of pastries fill his nose.

"Maman, Papa, I bought a friend over, is it okay for him to be staying here for a few hours?" Marinette asked.

As her parents came into view, he nodded at them respectfully and said, "Good evening, Mr and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, it's nice to meet you."

Marinette's parents looked at him with a impressed face and gave a smug look to Marinette, with she replied to with a glare. I mentally chuckled,she has a cute glare. He did a double take, what did he just think? He just decided to ignore it and went up into Marinette's bedroom.

His first impression of the bedroom wasnt the best. His eyes burned as he looked at the room. Everything was
Marinette giggled at his pained expression and said,

"I know, it's an eyesore, I've changed my style and I would've repainted the room if I wasn't planning on moving out at the end of the year anyways, decided it wasnt worth it." To which Damian nodded.

After a few minutes of her showing around her room, she took out a stack of assignments and homework.

"Come on, lets finish some work, I'll ask papa to make us some coffee and some pastries." She said to which Damian made a face.

"Coffee? You drink that vile drink? My brother is a coffee addict as well and honestly, I don't know how you would drink something so sweet, I prefer tea more." He said.

Marinette gasped and poked his chest in a accusing manner, "How dare you say that?! Coffee is what gives me life, it's fine if you don't like it but dont insult my baby, you hear me?!" She pouted while poking him a couple more times. This made Damian's hands go up in surrender.

"Apologies, Marinette. I wouldn't dare to do that again." He said, in a mocking manner, trying to pick a fight. Marinette glared at him for a few seconds before huffing and saying, "what type of tea do you want?"


They worked on some projects, occasionally arguing or just talking about something. Marinette drank her coffee in five minutes, while Damian savoured his chamomile tea.

Without them noticing, it has already begun to get dark and as Damian and Marinette made their way downstairs, her parents offered for him to stay for dinner, to which he politely refused, saying his brother was probably worried.

Marinette walked Damian out of the bakery and said,

"I had a nice time Damian, we should do this more often, if you dont mind, of course."

Damian turned around to face her and looked at her face, it was a bit dark so he couldn't see her features clearly, but he could make out her beautiful eyes.

Damian didnt think twice before saying, "of course, I don't mind, it was a nice time for me as well, I can come over any day your free and I'm not a bother."

"Your no bother Damian, my parents seem to love you too." She giggled and smiled. "Okay so, good night, see you tomorrow."

Damian couldn't help but smile a little too, she's infecting me with her positivity, he thought chuckling mentally.

"Goodnight, Marinette."

As he walked away he could hear the chim of the little bell on the bakery door, signaling to him that she went back inside, so he walked through Paris to his apartment which was actually a penthouse. He walked in and knew that Dick wasn't back, so he decided to skip dinner, wasnt that hungry after all those treats at Marinette's house. So he washed off and sat on his bed.

He was tired. Socializing made him tired. But he couldn't stop smiling remembering Marinette's adorable face, her cute outfit and sweet voice. It made him want to put down his guard for a few moments. He felt protective over Marinette, he swore to himself he wouldn't let the other heathens touch her if he could help it, he would protect her from the dumb classmates, he would keep her safe. Wait, damian thought, 'Is this what a "crush" feel like?'

A/N : sorry this chapter is shorter, I kind of panicked after realizing I actually posted the A/N so I posted two more chapters the same day. I'll update regularly, whenever I feel like it and well I will finish it don't worry, please comment and vote if you can, would be a great help and I accept feedback!

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