Chapter 1

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Marinette's pov:

Marinette wanted to sleep more, but the world says otherwise. She had to go to school, first day of senior year, with the same old crappy classmates she had for the last four years. She was exhausted and couldn't sleep last night, not to mention the fact that she had to battle an akuma at 3.00 a.m in the morning.

She was determined to not be late for school for her last year so she got up from her comfy bed and got changed. She wore a cream long sleeved comfy top and warm brown sweater vest with a cute high waisted brown skirt. And some simple black shoes with a white sidebag. Her style has changed over the years, and so has she.

Tikki her kwami, offered to style her hair too, so marinette told her she wanted a high ponytail, just a simple hairstyle. Soon she was ready with the help of tikki and she went downstairs and greeted her parents.

"Good morning papa, mama!" She tried to look as excited as possible for the new school year. Even though she knew its gonna be horrible as last year, probably even worse.

"Good morning sweetheart, your early today. What do you want to eat?" Maman smiled and asked.

"Oh I'll just grab a chocolate croissant and some coffee, I'll eat it while walking to school, is that okay with you?"she asked.

"Of course darling, have a great day! We love you!" her papa hugged her and she hugged him back. She said bye and took her breakfast and walked put of the bakery. While walking she thought about whats special today, she suddenly remembered about a new student that Miss Bustier told her about. 'Oh yay, another person for Lila to turn into one of her sheep' she thought, irritated. But she couldn't help but have this tiny bit of hope that, maybe, this new student would see through Lila's lies. She sighed and kept walking, forcing down the negative thoughts of what kind of insult would be thrown at her today.

In what felt like ten seconds, she was at the school entrance, where to her relief, she saw her best friends. Chloe, Alix and Adrien. Much to her shock, after her class turned on her, Chloe stood up for her and later apologized, which she accepted. At the time, she was desperate for a friend, and forgiving Chloe was a good choice because later on Marinette grew extremely attached to her new best friend, to say that Chloe is nothing like what she imagined is an understatement, she was actually really sweet, and had full blown mama bear moments when Marinette, Adrien, Alix, Luka or Kagami was injured in akuma fights.

Alix stayed because she's not dumb, she gave up on kim when she realized he'd become a stupid bully, and decided to side with Marinette, and she quickly was bought into Mari's little group of friends.

As soon as Lila tried to make her classmates to beat up Mari, Adrien went into a fit of fury, he told her to ditch the highroad crap he spewed out of his mouth and help him kill Lila, which Chloe, Alix and the rest of her friends agreed to immediately. Which, unfortunately Marinette prevented from happening because well, murder is illegal, sadly.

She ran upto them and hugged her best friends, her real friends. Luka and Kagami were older by a year, and decided to go on tours together, as Luka has increasingly gotten alot more popular over the last few years. Kagami went with him, and decided to do fencing tournaments abroad as well. Honestly, they were such a cute couple.

The small group of four laughed and chatted while going and settling in the three back rows of the class. Miss Bustier has given Marinette a table in the back alone as Lila has been complaining about how Marinette was being rude to the others. In front of her was Adrien And Chloe and after them Alix next to Kim, even though they arent friends anymore, miss Bustier wouldn't change their seats no matter how hard Alix tried.

Marinette and the others waited for the rest of the class when Mari told them about the new student, to which her friends were excited for.

"We can try to get them to see through Lila's lies. Then we can add them to our Marinette Protection Squad!" Chloe looked determined to add another member to their group, to which the others agreed on while Marinette just laughed quietly, 'Im so grateful for these guys, honestly the only reason I'm still alive.'

Unfortunately Lila and her sheep decided to barge in at that moment, which made Marinette's mood instantly sour. Alya looked up at Marinette and glared, to which she just rolled her eyes. Alya scoffed and went to sit next to Lila, and the rest of the class sat in their assigned seats while chatting away.

When miss Bustier came into the room, the class didnt quiet down, so she clapped her hands to get their attention.

"Attention class, welcome to your last year of high school! We've actually got a new student, treat him nicely, come in Damian!" As soon as miss Bustier said him to come in, the class hushed in stunned silence. Damian was gorgeous. And Marinette was not kidding, sharp jawline, piercing green eyes, symmetrical face, tanned skin with a well build body, this guy was eye candy. He was wearing a scowl on his face, and even then he looked good, Marinette just shooed those thoughts away, 'what's the use, he's gonna be one of Lila's sheep by today evening anyway.'

Lila immediately whispered to Alya and she smirked. Marinette rolled her eyes, she'll have to watch the painful scene of Lila trying to seduce Damian today, ugh.

Miss Bustier continued, "This here is Damian Grayson, and hes from Gotham City. Welcome him with open arms everyone! Damian your seat is next to Marinette, Marinette could you please raise your arm?" Slightly surprised, Marinette raised her hand.

Damian quietly made his way up to the seat next to her, and she could practically feel the glares thrown at her way by Lila and Alya.

Damian sat next to her and miss Bustier started teaching. He didnt look like the friendly type so she decided to greet him later, she'll wait until he gets comfortable in the class, plus he doesnt seem too keen to know her, because his cold eyes didn't look at her once. So she decided to ignore him, and pulled out her sketchbook.

Marinette already knew what miss Bustier was teaching so she decided to sketch some clothes. She was in her own world, bitterly thinking, 'if this guy believes Lila, the punches he might throw at me are gonna hurt like shit'. Lila decided last year that the verbal bullying and cyber bullying wasnt enough, so she faked being beat up by Marinette, and convinced the classmates to beat her to a pulp too, for revenge. Marinette was healed quickly by Tikki, which is why she wasnt dead yet. But she had to visit the hospital a few times when she gets big wounds, thankfully, Chloe covered for her and her parents didnt have to know about the visits.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Lila opened her mouth. While she was yapping about some celebrity she knew(a lie, obviously) she turned to Damian, to see his reaction. And his reaction surprised Mari, he looked annoyed and angry, and rolled his eyes, and looked back at Mari, noticing her staring.

"Dont tell me these classmates believe that girl knows Clark Kent. Thats ridiculous, tt." He asked.

Marinette was relieved. He doesnt have one braincell, thank the kwamis. She doesnt need to get beaten up by him. She mentally flinched, remembering the memory of Ivan and the rest of the class beating her.

"Unfortunately, yes. They believe her, me and the two blondes and pink haired girl dont believe her crap though, but the others are too blind to realize." She said, sighing.

Damian scowled. "Tt. How idiotic." And Marinette agreed. After a bit, they fell into a comfortable silence, they didnt interact after that, but Marinette felt a bit of respect for the guy, knowing he won't be fooled easily. She kept working on her sketch, occasionally taking notes, while damian kept listening to the teacher silently.

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