Mama UK is pissed

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So, Wicky and Unish made their way through the forest, searching for witches. Little did they know, they was being watched by the witches they wanted to kill. But only 4 of them.

With the plan coming into motion, they found themselves at the Eastern coast.

"Small island..." Wicky mumbled. They went to turn back, but was greeted by Belarus.

They instantly knew it was a witch, as Wicky ran at her with a stack. Not expecting the attack, Belarus had almost no time to react, causing a scar on her check.

Moving away before he could do more, she pulled out a wand, aiming at him.

Wicky chuckled. Lunging at her again. Unish watched intently.

Once more stunned, she called out to the others, Unish picked up his guard.

Wicky knocked her down, holding the piece of wood to her neck.

Quick to react, Romania threw him back with a spell, getting in front of the girl. He death stared him.

Wicky, again cackled, as he pulled an axe from his back. "GET READY TO PERISH, DEMONS!" He charged again, but a force felid appeared around them, summoned by him. Wicky walked up to it, looking with evil at them, it was a terrifying glare.

The plan was not going to plan.

Norway ran over, trying to catch him by surprise which worked...for a moment. Wicky spotted him, running over to attack him. 

Norway was faster, quickly ducking and punching the pirate, right in the jaw.

Heavily annoyed, Wicky regained composure and tried to attack the Norwegian, who was already prepared for anther attack. 

But Norway was knocked down by Unish. He was put cold, but not without screaming loudly. 

With the scream, came out UK, the sirens and two pirates.

And UK? Seeing his friends hurt? 

Was. Not. Pleased.

With a mighty roar, he tackled Wicky to the ground, as horns grew out the brit's head.  He proceeded to through the man into a nearby tree before running over to him, kicking him till the bleed out pitifully. Once done kicking him, wings shoot out UK's back, as he picked up the pirate's wrecked body, spinning him around as a dragon tail emerged. 

He sent Wicky flying towards America, who caught him, still shocked.

UK growled, he was in his full dragon form now. 

Everyone was shock, other then Australia and New Zealand, who knew about it already. They just smirked.

396words (7:21)

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