America's Lament

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Russia and America were left there, standing on the dock. 

"w-what the bacon just happened..?" America felt tears from fear and worry form on his lips. "D-ID THEY JUST KILL HIM?!" He stammered, falling to his knees. Russia just stood there. His raven hair falling in front of his face as he looked at America, then the water, watching as the waves crashed into the shore.

"W-we shouldn't stay here...." He mumbled, unable to speak with the worry and shock still noticeable in his voice. He sighed to try to calm himself. "They... might come back..."

"AND WE SHOULD JUST LEAVE CHINA?! WHAT- What if he's still alive!" America wouldn't let go.

"I know, but we need to go. He- he wouldn't want us to sit here and mope. C'mon..." Russia got a devious look on his face as he picked up a stick off the dock. "Lets get some revenge." 

He smirked with evil. America smirked with him, standing up on his feet. "Yeah...!" America began laughing madly.  Russia chuckled.

"Oh my..." A certain French siren said, along side a witch with a water breathing potion and a another siren, after listening to the conversation. 

"Of course we killed him! They'd been assholes for like 3 days now!" The Australia stuck out his tongue at the pirates. 

"Language! Australia, and we didn't kill him, we left him with Barry for now." UK answered. 

"Lets just tell ze ozers. UK vou should go from ze vest to avid zem, zey're are headed east right now by ze looks of it." UK nodded, waving bye to the sirens, not before a hug from France of course.

274 words (10:17) Bacon

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