The POV of our 'monsters'

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These gits are wild fr

"Looks like we have company, 3 pirates. The one you two meet earlier, one by the dock... and one very close..."

And just as Norway finished speaking, they heard steps running off in the distance. 

"And their he goes... to bad, he looked delicious..." Belarus mumbled. 

"Bel, stop being a cannibal for 5 minutes." Her Romanian brother said. "Fuck off." 

"Both of you shut up." Norway butted in.  "We've got pirates. One was by the dock, although he's gone now, he were still there. Do you think the sirens are ok?" 

"They should be. You know how shy North Korea is, and if he doesn't come out nether does South Korea. France only appears when we're there. Aussie and Kiwi can handle themselves fine." UK answered, pushing up his thick glasses.

Norway nodded. "Lets visit them anyway. I'm worried. France gets pissed easily. We don't know what these pirates are like." 

"Last one there is burnt bacon!" Romania yelled, flying out their house. "OH YOUR ON BACON HEAD!" Belarus yelled back, getting out her broom. 

"These guys forgot who their messing with, pass me the troll snot!" He signalled to his friend and the jar. 

"Playing dirty? Don't tell them that I let you." He replied, a green midst appeared around the jar, swiftly carrying it to the Norwegian witch. "I catch up, go on!" UK said before he flew off. 

"Cya team mum!" "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" UK shouted back before teleporting to the dock. 

265 words (1:02)

Romania: Chaotic friend

Belarus: Brings the beer

Norway: Depressed

UK: group mum fr

(We'll add the sirens next chapter)

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