Baseball practice

Start from the beginning


Luna was walking to his next class only to see some guy look lost near his locker. He decided to walk up to him so he could help in any way he can.

"Hi there, you look kinda lost, do you need some help dude?" Luna asked after tapping the guy on his shoulder.

The guy turned around to see Luna. Luna was just smiling at him. The dude was quite tall compared to Luna and had light brown hair. He also looked quite similar to someone Luna knew but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Oh yes, thank you. That'd be great. I'm just looking for my class, and I'm just a little lost." The guy said while chuckling awkwardly.

"Oh, I see. What class do you have right now?"


"Same! Here you can follow me, I know the way." Luna said while showing him the way.

The two walked down the halls for a few minutes, it was quite awkward since neither really said anything, so Luna decided to speak up.

"We're almost there, also I haven't got your name yet, what is it?" Luna asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh, right. My name's Dennis Taylor (Titan)." He said while smiling.

"Wait, I recognise that name! You must be Mr. Cameron Taylor's (Saturn) son aren't you? He talks about you a lot!" Luna shared with his new 'friend'.

"Oh.. he does? What does he say about me?" Titan asked with curiosity.

"Mostly about how impressive you are despite being one of his only children to be homeschooled."

"Right.. wait how do you know my father anyways?"

"My dads work in the same office as him and I often go visit them there too. "

"That's cool, it's nice to know some other people my age that have parents working at the same place. Well other than my step siblings but they don't really count to me. " Titan muttered.

They continued to talk for a while until they finally reached their class.


After school, Luna stayed back for baseball practice. Titan stayed as well knowing that he'd have nothing better to do at home.

Ganymede/Georgie was also on the baseball team so he was there too, Titan didn't realise until later on which made him question if he still wanted to stay or not.

"I didn't expect the homeschooler to be here! Whatcha doing here papa's boy?" Ganymede joked. Titan was unamused and just ignored him so he could watch Luna play.

"HEY DON'T IGNORE M-" "Georgie! Keep your cool, babe." Europa, said trying to calm down Ganymede before he starts another fight again.

"Fine. Don't expect this to be the last of me shortie. Come on babe wanna watch me absolutely devour everyone here?" Ganymede said as he walked away with Europa.

(Idiots..) Titan thought in his head.

"You okay there bud?" Luna asked from the other side.

Titan looked at Luna then smiled. "Yea, I'm fine. It's just the step siblings I told you about, they're here." Titan said as he pointed at Europa and Ganymede. "Tho one of them isn't technically related to us I still consider him as my sibling, he probably doesn't feel the same tho since he keeps picking on me."

"Wait... THEY'RE YOUR STEP SIBLINGS??" Luna asked shocked.

"Uhm, yea? Why is something up with them?"

"They're just the most popular people at school, and also the rudest. Literally everyone here knows them."

"Of course Georgie is considered one of the rudest" Titan said as he shaked his head.

Luna giggled from Titan's joke.

"Anyways, do you wanna learn how to play? " Luna asked as he picked up his bat from the ground.

"Well, it's pretty boring watching from the sides so I'd love to be apart of the action!" Titan answered.

Soon the duo played for a few hours, Titan could barely hold the bat and Luna kept laughing the entire time.

After a few hours everyone started leaving one by one.

Mars had just arrived to pick up Luna.
"Luan! It's time to go back ho-"
And boom! Mars was hit with a baseball.

"PAPA!" Luna shouted before Mars fell to the ground.


Mars woke up with a cast on his head. Earth was sitting next to him on the bed while looking at his phone.

"Rowan? What happened? Where's Luna?"

Earth looked at Mars then smiled. "Good, your awake! Is your head okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit sore.. what happened?"

"Well from what I was told over the phone, one of Cameron's kids accidentally threw a baseball at you. Luckily, the doctor said the injury isn't severe, so you'll be fine."

"Oh really? Dang it. The first time I pick up Luan from his practice and I get hit by a ball." Mars shrugged.

"Aww, come on. Cheer up Ian! Where's the sunshine I know and love?"

Mars giggled from Earth's nickname. "Alright, I guess it wasn't too bad. But you're still going to pick him up next time."

"Whatever you say prince!"

"HEY DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Mars chuckled as he hit Earth with a pillow.


1472 words. I'm gonna cry. THIS TOOK SO LONG HELP. I'll try to be faster with the next one which will PROBABLY be about Sun and Mercury which will somewhat be a bit sad.

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