Sophia Watson

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Sophia's PoV

I walked alongside my best friend, Percy Jackson, as we traveled to Goode High School. He had been friends with my good friend, Rachel, before she left, and now he is my best friend. We're an unlikely pair- I know that he is considered "attractive" by a lot of people, males and females alike. All the more reason for why I was surprised when he offered me his friendship.

I, on the other hand, am a "nerd". I have brown hair and gray eyes- which I got teased about a lot as a child. The others would tell me that it was weird and freaky, but I thought it was pretty cool. I get them from my father- with his pale blonde hair and gray eyes, exactly the same as mine, he looks almost like Draco Malfoy. Fortunately, his cheerful nature and soft features differed the two, a relief as I find it disconcerting enough.

My mother, on the other hand, had blue eyes and frizzy brown hair. She died when I was eight, though, and I had gotten through the loss. She was kind, but I don't remember that much about her. But I digress.

Apparently, I remind Percy a lot of his girlfriend. He always says that I could almost be her sister, since we were so similar. (By the way, though I have never seen his girlfriend, I completely believe Percy- I don't think he would lie about something like this.) At the moment, I was ranting about a prank that was pulled by a dozen of ridiculous people.

Last night, the television had suddenly been interrupted, and a group of people who were claiming to be the Greek Gods, announced their existence. I didn't buy it; it was probably one of the pranks our schoolmates would think is funny to pull.

"The cultural relativism of religious beliefs implies that they are products of human imagination and cultural evolution rather than evidence for the existence of go- Percy, are you listening?" I asked.

"Not really." He flashed me a smile, utterly unashamed.

I sighed, I really shouldn't have been surprised. "As I was saying, the people on TV yesterday is highly likely to be just an illusion."

Percy nodded, but still seemed distant. I wish he would tell me what was going on today. We had arrived school just in time, though, and the bell rang.

"Got to go- I'll catch you later!" Percy yelled, already being swallowed by a wave of students.

First period had barely started when the speaker came crackling on. It was the principal, announcing an emergency assembly. Honestly, don't people care about what we were supposed to be learning instead?

Onstage was the bunch of "gods" again. They're really going into extensive measures for this prank. I'm almost impressed.

"WE ARE THE GODS." The one in the middle, with black hair and electric eyes, boomed. He was so loud that I wouldn't be surprised if my dad could hear them at home. One of the "goddesses" told him to lower his volume.

They took turns introducing themselves. I could almost imagine them being gods. Almost. But then "Poseidon", with a twinkle in his seagreen eyes, says, "Can my son please come forward? If he does not, I will ask Apollo to recite his haikus for twelve hours per day, everyday, in your ear."

Devin, one of the school jerks, got up and kissed his feet, murmuring, "Father."

Poseidon sent a wave at Devin, making him crash in his own seat. I have a feeling that he landed on where Apollo didn't shine, because he yelped 'ow' at least a dozen times. Before figuring out that he could just stand up and sit down again.

By now, Percy had suddenly gone from the seat next to mine to walking to the stage. Wait, Percy?

The goddess called Athena forced Percy to recite his title. I must admit, it was really impressive. I was also quite surprised that I was friends with a demigod. They flashed away, taking Percy with them. It was quite astonishing, and everyone's mouths were fully open. I guess you could say it was unexpected.

I have a feeling that Percy and Athena have some bad blood, though. I wonder why? After all, she was the wisdom goddess, and it would be stupid to hold grudges, much less against the child of someone you hate. I wonder.

Word Count: 718

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