Daniel Felton (Mortal)

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Daniel's PoV

Hey, I'm Daniel. But I'm sure you knew that already. Who doesn't know who I am? My mom is- was Stacey (Anastasia) McGill, ex-owner of a fashion company, (A/N: if you got that reference, I love you) Stacey's Sixth Sense and my dad is Trevor Felton. Not Tom Felton, unfortunately, and he became the owner of Stacey's Sixth Sense after mom died when I was four.

Enough about my parents, and more about me, because I'm just too awesome like that. I'm the Captain of the football team, which all the ladies love. (I'm gagging as I'm writing this.) I have brown eyes and dark brown hair. I usually wear blue contacts, though, and I'm the school's resident player. This week, I got my fourth girlfriend, and no, I haven't dumped the others yet.

Now, my target is Annabeth Chase. She's so beautiful. She has these perfect ringlets, blonde and a bit darker in some areas, like natural highlights. Her eyes are gray and a bit stormy, which was off-putting at first, when I first saw, but suits her face. She has a beautiful tan, golden, and it makes her glow like a goddess. I know she's saving herself for me because so far, she has turned down every single guy or girl that's asked her out, even my best friend, Liam, who's really handsome.

But I'm irresistible, and she's already smitten with me, so it will be easy as cake to twist her around my finger. Maybe I'll keep her for a month, tops, and break up with her. I smirked to myself. She'll be mine in a few hours!

Time skip~

It's lunchtime now, my perfect opportunity.

"Hey, Annie!" I call out to her, sauntering towards her and her friends. They look at me with disgust, but I knew they were just masking their admiration towards me.

"What. Do. You. Want. And don't call me Annie." Annie gritted her teeth. She's hot when she's mad, I thought.

"My parents are out of town, my place, at seven?" I smirked as I knew she was going to squeal and jump.

"No! I've already told you ten times this week, I have a boyfriend." She yelled. I may have neglected to mention that I have been erm- rejected by Annie dearest a bit.

"Yeah, right, your boyfriend. We all know that you're just using him as an excuse to play hard to get."

Annabeth was positively seething at this point. "I'll eat my hat if he's not real. He's picking me up today after school."

"See you at seven, he won't be picking you up because he's not real!" I smiled cheerfully and turned on my heel. Inside though, I was a bit apprehensive. Oh well, I guess I'd just have to wait until after school.


I was the first one out of last period. I leaned against a tree as I watched the cars fly past the school. Still no sign of Annie's so-called boyfriend.

"I knew you didn't have a boyfriend." I smirked again.

"He's just always late." She replied. Excuses, excuses. A few minutes go by, and he still hadn't made an appearance.

"Told you he was fake. Now, let's go." I made to grab her hand.

"I think I would know if I were real or not." A smooth voice came behind me.

"Seaweed Brain!" Annie gasped in delight, and kissed him full on the lips. I shoved them apart.

"What are you doing with my girl, huh?" I screamed in his face, taking pleasure at his annoyance, no doubt, that he knew Annie wasn't single.

"He's my boyfriend." Annie said, her face taking on a terrifying expression. She held out her hand, and I took it... Only to find myself a few feet in the air, being judo-flipped by my Annie. My back slammed onto the pavement. Annie punched me in the nose, snarling, "Stay back from me, you loathsome, evil, little cockroach." She kicked me where the sun don't shine for good measure before I blacked out.

The last thing I saw before fading into unconsciousness was "Seaweed Brain" and Annie holding hands and laughing together.

'Whatever! They won't last anyway. I'll just show her who's boss at the 10-year reunion.' I thought sluggishly. 'Surely enough time would have passed for them to break up.'

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