Brad Moore

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A/N: Set after the war with Gaea.

Brad's PoV

Sup. I'm Brad, but obviously you knew me already. I'm a demigod, son of Apollo, the best god, of course. I came to Camp Half-Blood a few months ago- apparently they had just had a big war right before I came. I probably was so scary to the monsters, I scared them away.

Anyway, everyone at camp keeps talking about this "Percy Jackson" character, but I've never even met him. They keep saying how he is the most "powerful" demigod ever- which is false because obviously I am, and then Hercules-, and how he "made a hurricane"- which is also false because no one could do that. I bet I could make that guy cry for his mama.

Me, on the other hand, is totally awesome and best. I can shoot arrows and they would actually land on its target, Lacy from the Aphrodite's cabin couldn't even disarm me in a few minutes, and I am pretty wicked with a spear, if I do say so myself.

I lay on the beach of Long Island Sound, suntanning, when the waves sprouted this dude with a Nemo t-shirt. I bet he made Poseidon so angry he slapped this dude all the way over here.

The dude didn't take any notice of me, which I resented. I'm the picture of perfection, how can he just ignore me?

"Hey, you over there!" I yelled to him. He turned around, frowning, and the Nemo on his shirt seemed to glare at me.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Percy Jackson." He turned around and walked towards camp.

"Hey, no mortals allowed in camp! I know your name isn't Percy Jackson." I kept yelling. There was no way that this was him, right? Wearing a pathetic Nemo shirt. He didn't turn around this time.

~ time skip brought to you by Olympus Architecture, founded by Annabeth Jackson ~

That night at the dining pavilion, I saw the stupid dude again. He was sitting with a dumb blonde (she's 1000 times smarter than you, dumbass, and I don't know why I made you up in the first place), a really pretty blonde. I knew I had to save her from this Percy Jackson wannabe. I sauntered up towards her.

"Hey, babe, whaccha doin' with this wannabe?" I asked, confident that she would beg me to take her to my table.

Her gray eyes bored into mine. They were intense, and I could almost see lightning flash in them. "Get the **** away from my boyfriend and I."

I tried again, "Pfft, you want to be with this dude? He claims to be Percy Jackson behind your sexy ass." (OMGs I need a bucket to vomit into thats disgusting)

The dude was just watching me with amused eyes, and the next thing I knew, there was a blonde haired demon, her knife at my throat, saying, "If you ever say something like that about my boyfriend, Percy Jackson, or me, you will not live for another day, and I will personally make sure that a son of Hades will torment you every day." She kicked me where my dad didn't shine, and broke my nose for good measure.

Percy Jackson and his girlfriend seemed to be arguing about something.

"That was harsh, but he deserved it." I heard Annabeth say. Jackson just sighed, and mumbled something about never winning an argument.

Whatever, that blonde babe might not be mine, but I knew that Jackson was just a wannabe.

A/N: I'm so sorry for creating this demon. It was gross to write, to say the least.

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