Chapter 25 - The feathered king

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(Now we meet the king at last)

(Exciting huh?)


I was still awestruck as we continued. I heard and read about it. But nothing can describe the beauty of the citadel. I wonder how it was built. Dragons don't really have it easy when it comes to building. Our claws are not as flexible as a human's hand.

"It's a beauty isn't it?" I hear mother say. I silently nod.

Guards watched us as we landed at the entrance. Two that stood by the door kept a close eye on us, their spears ready at their sides. With three heavy thumps we land in the center of the open area.

With Colin still in pain I left him on my back. His weight to me could be best described as a human wearing a half full backpack.

Dad leads us up the stairs to the front double doors. Those very doors were about twice my mother's size. The two guards gave a bow as Infitus approached them.

"Good to have you back sir,'' said the right one. I just barely hear my father huff at this.

His fellow guard spoke up, "Phoenix is waiting."

Infitus nods. The two guards then grasp the handles for the door and start pulling. Surprisingly it didn't drag on the floor at all. Even though it seemed to be resting on it. Although judging on the guards' expressions, the two doors were doubtlessly very heavy.

It is clearly made of dark wood. So the weight is understandable. The gold designs covering it don't help either.

I could already tell that the inside of the palace is heavily darkened compared to the light radiated from the columns of lava pouring from the cavern ceiling. I could barely make out the flooring inside.

As I pass through the shadow of the door my eyes properly adjust to the light. Although for Colin it would take a moment. Though he was still in no condition to process this. His groaning form makes me look forward towards hopefully the care my friend needs.

My jaw dropped for the third- no fourth time today. The large chamber is about the size of that large gym in a photo I saw framed at Colin's. It was next to a golden cup with a "state champion" on it. Never got to ask what it was about.

My feet clicked on the polished stone floor dark in color. A short hallway lined with windows with magma behind it opens up into a massive cylindrical room, topped with a dome. Colin grunts as he tries to take a look around. This chamber is better lighted from the few windows that peer into magma

"Infitus old friend!" A young voice bellowed, sounding as if it's everywhere, "It has been some time eh?" A laugh follows.

Then I see him.

Elevated on top of stairs stood a throne expertly carved out of a stone I couldn't make out from here, lies the Emberblood king. Phoenix Regium. His orange feathers stood out from the dull stone. Even from this distance I could make out the massive smile formed on his lips.

And his tone tells me all I need to know about how he feels, "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to come back."


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