Using me

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3rd pov:

Amy slowly fluttered her eyes as the sunlight hit her in her face blinding her temporarily , the smell of cooked bacon and syrup filling her nose made her eyes shoot open, her stomach growled when she sat up "I'm so hungry..." she mumbled to herself looking around the room for shadow .

The smell of cooked breakfast lingered in the air making her unconsciously lick her lips, she decided to go follow the source of the delicious aroma that's filling her nostrils.

She slowly got off the bed mindful of how sore her legs were from the previous night.

Opening the door slowly while her eyes tried to adjust to the morning light she walked slowly following the delicious aroma in the air.

Blushing at the sight with wide eyes she sees the ebony hedgehog wirh red stripes hold a plate in hand wearing a pink apron, his red eyes was half lidded looking at her secretly admiring her tired state.

"Sit." His voice was huskier and deeper which made her comply to his domand as soon as possible and she even felt a bit aroused from his tone, Amy basked in his beauty observing him from head to toe, the light from a nearby window in the kitchen illuminated his features, his hair was in a low ponytail the red from his quills glimmered through the light. He looked very tired maybe even a bit annoyed, his red eyes shimmered even though his gloomy state looked depressing.

He placed a plate on the counter infront of the girl as she scooted on the seat to a comfortable position, gazing at the filled plate with scrambled eggs bacon and two pancakes drizzled with syrup, he then placed a fork and a knife beside the plate and a empty cup on the other side.

He took a orange juice jug out pouring the yellow liquid inside the clear glass cup before twisting the top back on and putting the jug back in the refrigerator.

Shadow leaned on the refrigerator staring at the pink hedgehog with his arms crossed against his chest while she digs in her food.

"Oh thank you, mobius gods for this wonderful food" she says while her mouth is stuffed with a pancake slice, Shadow scoffed at the fact he slaved over a hot stove for her and she thanked someone else completely.

Amy heard him scoffed which made her advert her attention to him swallowing the food in her mouth "did you eat?" She asked curiously "yes" he advert his eyes from Amy to a nearby wall while she continued to eat her food

The silence in the kitchen was deafening the air filled with Amy's soft chewing "I saw what you did on my phone" his gaze went back to Amy's watching her chewing stop, Amy had a reminder herself of what she did, she had completely forgotten earlier and hadn't put any thought on the after affects when she took the picture.

"You did the same" Amy replied timidly clearly nervous while staring at her plate not making any movements, "I don't care about that, I care about why do you care" Amy tensed up and anger came "what do you mean why do I care, you said I was yours which means you're mine, I love you" she looked up at shadow with desperation but the last part of her words angered him as his eyes narrowed at Amy's practically giving the pink hedgehog a death stare.

"You don't love me, you're clearly using me to get revenge on sonic and it's quite sickening how you toss around the word love, having sex with someone twice and going on one date that was barely even a date" his tone carried venom with every word he muttered leaving a longing bruise on Amy heart she knew he was right but all she could feel was hurt, she watched him as he left the kitchen leaving her all alone with the deafening silent tension, a half filled glass of orange juice and a plate of food which she mostly ate.

His words rang in the air in her brain every thought about what he said made her hurt more and more to the point she wanted to cry, she didn't want to cry here she didn't want him to know his words had such an affect on her.

Without another thought she got off the chair leaving the house in nothing more but an over sized t- shirt, shadows boxers and her disheveled state.

She walked on the concrete bare footed all the way to her home trapped in her thoughts prickling her feet on rocks while not even giving it a second thought the wind made her body cold making her shivers

She knew she loved him because he was the one who snapped her into reality, he was the one who took her in and comforted her when her friends betrayed her and he did the same when sonic cheated on her, but in reality did she love him or did she love the way he treated her, did she love the image of actually having someone protect her instead of her chasing which was true she did love that but, what puzzled both Amy and shadow was did she love him. If he hadn't did the stuff he did she wouldn't be saying she loved him, he was right after all spending two nights together with one date doesn't mean love.

She reached her house looking at the door silently hoping it was unlocked she didn't have her keys., her phone, nothing. She twisted the doorknob finding it unlocked she thwnked every mobius god for that silently.

The door creaked open she walked inside slowly closing the door behind her making sure to lock it the house was dark since she turned the lights off before she left the house, she didn't have enough energy to turn them back on she just wanted to take a shower and sulk in her bed afterwards.

The hot water hit Amy's skin but she got used to the temperature by now the steam from the excessive hot water fogged the bathroom mirror blurring out Amy's naked condition her head was hanged low staring at the ground her quills covered her face as the bubbles of the tangy peach fragrance that illuminated from the soap rinsed off her body

She turned the shower off before walking to the mirror looking at the foggy mirror wiping it so she can see her face, her eyes looked tired as her face was missing that colorful smile she always had replaced with a emotionless expression her quills was drenched while some of them stuck to her face.

She didn't bring a towel nor any clothes to the bathroom since she thought it was pointless after all it's her house and the doors locked plus she was too lazy to go and get some clothes before taking the shower.

She walked toward the door leaving  out of the bathroom, a wet trail followed under her feet with every step she took the steam from the shower clowned the hallway with fog walking to her room she sees an ebony hedgehog laying on the bed in the dark staring at her with her clothes and belongings in hand.

"The fuck.." she mumbled under her breath covering her  chest and private area completely forgetting shadow has chaos Control.

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