Chapter 19: Plant Subterfuge

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Starlight Prep

October 1, 12:00 PST

"Hey you okay? You've been off all morning." Emily asked, her glasses reflecting the florescent lighting of the cafeteria. Closing her book when she couldn't ignore her friend's predicament any longer, "It's not your concussion is it? Do you need to go to the nurses' office?"

Kate felt guilt instantly crawl up her throat at Emily's worried words and scrunched eyebrows. The blonde reaching out and laying a hand in front of Emily, "I'm okay, my aunt just got called out on some urgent business this morning, she left in a rush. Just worried that's all."

"On, urgent... flower shop business?" Emily raised her eyebrows, a disbelieving tone coloring her voice.

"Um, a shipment was running late, she had to go meet the supplier, check on the flowers. See if they were still good for sale or not." Kate came up with, not sounding sure even to herself.

"And that's what you're worried about?" Emily double checked, "I didn't know you were so invested into your aunt's business."

"I'm not, I mean – I am, just... she really cares about it, and they were like some kind of exotic flower. Super expensive." Kate left it at that, Emily just nodding eyes contemplative for a second before they lit up again.

"Here," Emily pulled out an insulted canister from her lunch bag, "It's Jasmine tea, my favorite, it always helps me calm down, maybe it will help you." Emily pushed it closer to Kate and the blonde got this sinking feeling in her stomach as she hesitantly grabbed the warm thermos.

"Are you sure? It's your favorite, I don't wanna take it if-"

"It's so okay, we're friends. This is what friends do. Drink it, it'll help you feel better, I promise." There was something more in Emily's voice that set Kate on edge, her smile a little too big, eyes a little too squinted. Was she upset?

Kate didn't want to upset her only real friend at Starlight, and so she lifted the thermos and went to drink but before she could she froze.

That's when Kate heard the music.

That's when Kate realized what day it was.


Kate slowly turned around, face blooming a vibrant shade of red as Ben walked in on a rolled out red carpet, a quartet of violins behind him playing long chords as he held up a banner.

Kate Lance, please give me a chance... HOCO?

Kate wanted to die.

There were audible gasps and murmurs among the crowd as Kate stood slowly, walking up to Ben. "You didn't mention a string quartet." Her voice hissed out the last word while her face grinned widely. Eyes shining with murderous intent.

"I thought it would be more romantic." Ben just shrugged and offered her the sign, "So, you gonna give me a chance, Lance?"

Kate wanted to kill him, and then die. But remembered their agreement and took a moment, and as long as she did this one thing people would keep leaving Emily alone. Ben so far had kept up his end, she had to keep up hers.

"Yeah, let's do it." Kate took the sign and the room went crazy, Ben pulling her in for a hug, spinning her around without her permission. Setting her down as the string players stopped on a sweet note and left.


By her final period, chemistry (barf), Kate was vibrating. No longer toting around the ridiculously large poster paper as it was shoved inside her locker. Her knee bouncing as she watched the clock, not having heard anything from Dinah since this morning and the worry was starting to eat at her.

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