Chapter 20: Revelation

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Bayou Bartholomew

October 1, 18:52 CDT

Kate, slightly sweaty and breathing heavy, sat curled into a corner of the magical yellow box she was trapped in. Eyes hotly staring daggers into Wotan and Poison Ivy as they tended to the massive plant in the middle of the room. From her position floating in the air she could see out the windows around the top of their base. Highly irresponsible if you ask her, glass was so fragile, any kind of high decibel attack and they would all just shatter.

"Glare all you want, you aren't getting out of there." Wotan's bored tone was barely registered by Kate's hearing-aide free ears. Someone having taken them off of her while she was passed out.

Kate stayed silent, teeth grinding as she wished she had laser vision like Superman. Maybe that would break through the bullshit surrounding her right now. She had already tried everything else to get herself out of here. Besides screaming, which she knew would not be a smart idea.

"Why am I here?" Kate demanded, "What do you people want with me?" She was still in her debris covered school uniform and didn't know if the supervillains in front of her knew her secret ID or not. So, she had to be careful. "I'm just some kid from Star City, why am I so important?"

"Ask Black Siren, she's the one that wanted you. I swear she has a thing for strays." Poison Ivy waved her hand to dismiss the girl, eyes never leaving her 'baby' in the middle of the room. Looking like some kind of Frankenstein science project. Kate let her eyes drag over to Joker, who had been muttering to himself as he stood in front of some kind of circular screen-disc-things Kate couldn't Identify. Strange gloves on his hands as he moved his arms in large, grandiose jerks.

"Poor heroes. Nothin' they do is quite enough." Joker laughs, his voice mocking, making Kate's blood boil when she caught a glimpse of the bay bridge in Star with plants all over it with people in cars and school busses in jeopardy. Seeing some of the plants explode Kate smiled knowing Dinah was okay. It was a relief to say the least, and it gave her strength, she would make it out of this and Dinah would be waiting with open arms, and Ollie. "Ain't it grand?!" Joker cackled.

"And impressive how you simultaneously juggle multiple scenarios." Poison Ivy commented from her spot at the base of her baby.

"I've had practice..." Joker responded, voice deepening and making it harder for Kate to hear, "Juggling my multiple personalities." His laugh, tenor and hyena like in quality cutting through clear as crystal though. Kate keeping the chills at bay as she curled in closer to herself, as much as she hated it she knew she had to wait this out. She was in civies and her extra suit had been in her backpack, which was probably under a school building's worth of rubble. No doubt either the team or the Justice League was on their way, she had to trust they would get here in time.

The sound of heels loudly clicking against tile caught everyone's attention, Black Siren strutting in with who Kate guessed was Emily behind her. The mask on her face covering her Identity but Kate recognized the brunette hair and similar colored eyes a mile away, plus who else would it be?

"Bring her down, it's time we had a little chat. Also Ivy, you may want to go deal with the pests outside. I'll be out there in a minute. Delilah, go with her." Black Siren ordered, the brunette girl huffing but following orders and stomping after Poison Ivy who grinned over her shoulder at the blonde woman.

"Better hurry, or else we'll have all the fun. Wotan, protect my baby."

And with that Emily – Delilah – and ivy were gone and Kate was lowered to the ground. Looking up at the woman in front of her. Eyes narrowed and blazing.

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