Chapter 4: What do you Know?

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(I'm tired wby???)

Third Person POV:

America was tired. The meeting was supposed to have ended a couple hours ago, but because he got pulled into this little "interrogation" thing, it lasted a significant while longer.
It was so stereotypical, with the desk lamp in his eyes, and honestly, he was feeling a headache come on. 

"Who were those people, America? You can't ignore us forever!" UN said, impatience lacing his voice. 
"I already told you, UN, just some family friends."

Well, he wasn't really lying. Technically, they were family friends. I mean, he did consider his charges to be his family, so...

A hand thumped down on the desk in front of him, balled up into a fist.
"AMERICA! You need to answer the question!" UN was seething, bent over at the hip to be at the sitting man's eye height, seeming so tall in the moment, despite  only being a couple of inches taller than the star spangled country.

"I've told you so many times, UN. They are family friends. Am I not allowed to be friends with humans any more? Since when did you controll my relations outside of work?" He stated with vindication, squinting his eyes. Good job America, throw the questions back to him. Make him think any way that you are guilty is his fault. Classic tactic.

EU, who was standing a couple of paces away, sighed and placed his cold blue hand on UN's shoulder. 
"Leave it be, Nations" EU whispered, but America could still hear him. "He won't admit to anything if you interrogate him like that."

"Hey- I didn't do anything wrong! Why are you talking like that, hot shot!?" America spat, almost actually spitting at the man's feet. 
An uncomfortable silence rang through the air after that comment left his mouth. 

"You may leave, America" UN stated, "But this isn't over."
America hummed in compliance, and made a point of leaving the room of confused countries and organizations behind exaggeratingly slowly.

He was going to take a fat nap when he got home.

Reich POV:

(A Couple Hours Before...)
I sat in the driver seat of the small car, feeling the adrenaline from earlier slowly wear off as a new sort of feeling settled into my gut. 
I squinted my eyes at East in the back seat, trying to find the words to say. Looking back at the road, I finally settled on a gentle scolding. 

He looked up, an uncertain glint in his eyes, opening his mouth not to say anything, but in a questioning manner, as if to say "Yes?".
"Sie wissen, dass es verboten ist, ohne Aufsicht davonzulaufen."
(You know that wandering off without supervision is forbidden.)

I glanced at his reflection again for a second, seeing his head lower in shame before looking back to the road and turning off into the forest path.

"Ich weiss das, Vatti. Es tut mir leid." East apologised with a sunken sincerity. 
(I know that, daddy. I'm sorry.)

I took another breath in, as though I had to mentally prepare for my next statement. 

"Ich erzähle dir das nur, weil du mir wertvoll bist, das weißt du, oder?" I remarked, wanting him to know the reason behind what I was saying. "Ich möchte nicht, dass du verletzt wirst."
(I'm only telling you this because you're precious to me, you know that, right? I don't want you to get hurt.)

I could hear him shuffle in his seat. A quiet sigh left his little, slumped form. His eyes seemed to fill with tears yet to be spilled.

"Ich will meinen Bruder zurück," he whimpered from the back seat, quiet tears rolling down his tiny face. "Also sehr schlecht."
(I want my brother back, so very badly.)
I could practically feel my heart break in my chest, but I didn't dare look back at my son. I don't think I could have taken it.

The rest of the car ride home was silent.

(So ya I don't know if any of the translations are wrong- so please don't come at me T-T )

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