Chapter 4

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Character Notes:
- Felix, Adeline, and Penelope (mentioned in previous chapter) are children of Salazar Slytherin
- Helena is a child of Rowena Ravenclaw
- Erec is a child of Godric Gryffindor
- Isabella is a child of Helga Hufflepuff
- Nimue is an actual name for the Lady of the Lake

Magic Notes:
- I will be picking and choosing what types of potions and spells could be available during this time since very little is actually known about such things
- I will be taking lots of liberties with types of magic and the use of magic to create my own magical systems and lore

Other Notes:
- A lot of the tradespeople in Camelot Village are very Muggle-like, but I am going with the idea that the village has experts in those specific types of magic that then provide the service/product to the rest of the village


Harry didn't bother complaining as he was placed onto a stretcher and levitated into a building that was obviously the hospital, or what acted like a hospital in medieval Britain. He was settled on a small bed-more of a cot-with Snape next to him and he took some time to gaze around as Helena, Erec, and Felix whispered amongst themselves.

The building was similar to the Hogwarts Hospital Wing, only smaller and clearly made of different materials. There was only enough space for six of the cots, each with a small round table holding candles that currently sat unlit. Windows lined the wooden walls above the cots, providing natural light though it was tinged yellow and blue by the coloured glass, the windows stained glass versions of the Camelot crest. The ceiling was low and the supporting beams visible, with the shingling of the roof visible through that. The floor was wooden planks. At the back of the building was a long section that was cut off with white curtains and, beside that, a small wooden cabinet.

"Very well, I will get Father and Adeline," Felix said and Harry watched him leave.

"Mum!" Helena suddenly called and the curtain at the back of the infirmary was thrown aside.

"No need to shout, darling, I knew you were here," the woman who stepped out said as she walked up to all of them.

Harry couldn't help but gape. He knew this woman, though he was used to seeing older pictures, but there was no doubt it was the same person. She was tall and slender, her features soft and kind and compassionate. Her blue eyes sparkled and her long, honey-blonde hair was in a thick braid, slung over her shoulder and dangling down the side of her body, nearly reaching her waist. She was dressed similarly to Helena, only more elegant and regal. Around her neck sat a necklace made of blue-dyed leather with a glittering silver eagle pendant, a sapphire standing as its eye.

"Harry, Severus, please meet my mother," Helena said, "Madam Rowena Ravenclaw. She is Camelot's master of Healing Magic and she will be helping me take care of you."

"A pleasure to meet you, dear travelers," Rowena said with a smile that just oozed comfort.

Harry shot a look at Snape, seeing shock in the professor's face as well.

It was true! They had gone back in time!

"Oh, Adeline, perfect timing," Rowena said and Harry's head whipped around to the entrance.

Felix had returned, followed by two others, a young woman that seemed close to Felix's age and an older man. Like with Rowena, Harry instantly knew who the man was. His straight black hair was shiny in the sun, giving it almost a tinge of blue, and was as long as Lucius Malfoy's hair, pulled back with a ribbon of green silk. The green eyes were deep in colour and sharp as they gazed around, not too different from how Snape looked. He wore a more tailored, formal version of what Felix and Erec wore, his tunic going to his knees and lacking the dangling ties. He wore stockings over his trousers that reached his knees and the embroidery was far more detailed, the materials more expensive, like silk. He wore no cloak, but a brooch still sat on his left shoulder, a shining silver snake with emerald eyes.

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