I nodded following along "Just try"

"The lighting.., it struck Zoom" He took another breath "Thea, it was multiple lighting bolts of all different colors hitting you and him"

Caitlin rushed in "I got here as fast as I could, what happened?" she ran beside me getting ready to insert a IV.

"Cait, I was struck by lighting" I paused feeling electricity through my veins "Oh Caitlin stop!"

She was already to far into my skin and the blade of the IV scratched my vein. Electricity sparked and she was hit with a very small dose of it.  

She fell to the floor and Barry helped her up, "Get her some water! I'll be okay" I took the IV and put it in myself. 

The rest of the morning was crazy, everyone got there by ten. I was up and running by then also. 

"It was a normal morning and Zoom showed up and picked her up trying to kill her. I couldn't stop him, but then all this lightning shot through the roof and struck her and Zoom" He paused looking around him "Zoom disappeared before I could get him but Thea was passed out" Barry explained 

Everyone looked around for a moment "So do you know when you started passing out?" Iris asked me leaning on the table. 

"I passed out because he was cutting off my breathing, I don't think it was from the lightning" I told her "It was so weird" 

Cisco looked at me "You think you can really control lightning?" 

I shrugged "I don't know, but it felt right" 

Barry looked at me "I'm just glad your okay" 

I nodded agreeing with him "I'm glad I am too" 

Harrison walked into the cortex looking at me and Barry "Okay, okay wait let me explain myself before you whoosh me out of here" 

I looked at Barry and nodded slightly, Barry stayed put watching him. Cisco turned around to face him "How did you get out of the-"

"That part was easy" Harrison scoffed "Listen, I want to help you guys, nothing else" 

"You tried to kill Thea!" Barry said anger rising in his voice

"I did not! That was Harrison Wells on this earth!" He stated and walked over to the white board. "Listen there are infinite amounts of earths, and they are all duplicates of this one here." 

Everyone was silent and Barry spoke up again "You don't sound very believable"

Harrison groaned and started writing on the board. He wrote one big circle and about five other smaller ones around it. "Okay so this earth, your earth we will call it earth one. And my earth is earth two. Listen there are multiple different earths with people with your name that look like you. We like to call them doppelgangers. Which is what I am, you think I'm Harrison Wells on this earth but I'm Harrison Wells on earth two" He explained

I looked at Barry and everyone in the room. "That actually does check out" Cisco walked over to him and snatched the marker drawing more things "It has always been a theory but no one actually thought it was true, man that's so cool" 

Iris spoke up "Wait so how did you get here?" 

Harrison pulled some small device out of his pocket "It was quiet easy" he looked to Cisco "It replicates his powers" 

I looked at Cisco as did everyone in the room "Wait I don't have powers I'm not a meta" 

Harrison flipped his watch open and put it up to Cisco. It blinked red. He then moved to Caitlin, it turned green, then Iris which it stayed green, next was me and it flashed red same with Barry. "You are a meta" Harrison stated "this is tech on my earth I invented it to flash red when there is a meta around" 

Cisco looked at Harrison "I'm not a meta" With that he walked out mad, leaving us quietly staring at each other. 

After Cisco was gone I looked at Harrison "So how do you think we are going to get this Zoom guy?" I asked him. 

Harrison scoffed "I don't know, for sure yet" He paused and looked to Barry's angry gaze "But that's why I'm here to try and help catch him." 

I nodded and looked to Iris who was packing up her stuff "Wait where are you guys going?" 

Iris looked at me "I gotta a article to turn in by one and its already ten so I better bounce" 

Joe nodded "A pile of papers and leads I have to finish as well so" He walked toward the hall and waved. 

I waved back and watched them leave. Caitlin looked at me and sighed walked to the med lab. Barry's eye's were set on Harrison's. 

"What did the Harrison Wells on this earth do?" He asked me 

I sighed turning to look at him "A lot" 


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