Aish! How am I gonna do that ?!
Way too high !

I sighed very heavily.
I have to do it anyways and anyhow.

He came to sit down next to me finally.
"Are they very bad?" He asked.

"You know you have to get in the top 50 right?" I asked.

"What!? 50!?" He said shocked.

The director must not told him.
What am I gonna do ?!?

I really wanna smack my head to the table.

This is really helpless..
Well it could happen but he has to do his very best and wanting this...

"Okay tell me your problems" I said.

But he was looking out the fricking window!!
Flirting with girls. I start to get pissed and closed the curtains.

"Eh ! What are you doing!?" He asked.

"Stay by the lesson. I know you don't like it but we still need to do this whenever you don't like it or not" I said.

"Urhhg so stupid" he sighed and start to stand up.

"Hey!? Where are you going?!" I asked.

"Somewhere not here" he said.

"Arghh! I'm only here because I wanted to help you ! Urghh forget it !" I sat down.
Why must I suffer like this god?

Did I do anything wrong to you?

I start to pack in my books and went out his room.

So stupid.. but now.. the debt..
I can't leave it like this.

Soon I saw chanyeol in the hallway.
"Oh you. How does it goes? " He asked.

I sighed. "Horrible. He doesn't even want to. So I'm going" I said

"Ah wait! Do you want some cake?" He asked with a smile.

How could I not say no to that.
I nodded.

We sat down in the living room.
I told him what happened.

"Really ? He did? "

"Yeah.. I have no idea how I'm gonna do this.. but I have to no matter what"

"Why ? If it was me I would given up long time ago" he took a sip from his tea.

"I also would if I could.."

"Why? You can always stop"

"Well.. I don't think should tell you now since I don't know you well. Basically we are just strangers" I said.

"Well.. how do think if we do this" he put down his cup.

Im listening.
"That we say well.. to be friends right now?"

"What?" I said surprised.

"Come on doesn't sounds bad right? I'm not a bad guy anyways."

" I know but why do you wanna be friends with me ?" I asked.

I was kinda nervous for his answer...
What is gonna say.. hopefully not something hurtful.

"Just because. I wanna know you and besides you seem very to be kind and nice. So why not?"

I smiled.
"Sure. If you say so. It doesn't sound bad" I said.

"So why do you need to work with kai ?" He asked.

"Well.. because I made a deal with the director. If I get them in the top 50. The Debt of my family will be finally payed off" I said.

"Your family is poor?" He asked suprised.

Behind the mask (EXO KAI VS HISTORY KYUNGIL)Where stories live. Discover now