Step Six | Learn About His Duty As Coven Leader

Start from the beginning

The General nodded. "I'll see you tonight."

"Wait," Lawrence said as Bronson turned around.

He stopped and set his sights back on Lawrence. "What?"

"Those wolves saw me kill that guy. What if they tell people in Myrefall what really happened?"

Bronson shook his head. "The wolves aren't going to venture into the city, least of all talk to humans. They know that we've got vampires guarding the place."

Lawrence rested his hands in his lap and straightened his legs on his bed. "I don't get why Lord Alucard doesn't just take out all the rogue wolf packs. They cause so much shit all the time. It'd be easier to remove them altogether."

"I kind of get it," the General said. "After the divide between their species, I think things just got messy. Some of the rogues—better known as werewolves—have family and friends who chose to side with the Nosferatu and Fenrisúlfr, becoming wolf walkers instead. They didn't want to kill each other. Although that was over a century ago, they still share that hesitance. The Vârcolac are supposed to keep the werewolves and any rogue wolf walkers in line, but they've been busy with what's going on in Ascela."

With a deep sigh, Lawrence nodded and dragged his fingers through his tawny hair. He didn't really have time to sit there talking about wolf walkers and werewolves, though. "I'm allowed to walk about the castle during the day, right?" he asked, changing the subject. He wanted to start working on Percival as soon as he could.

General Bronson frowned in concern. "You are, yes, but not every room is sunlight-proofed. You need to be very careful."

"All right, thanks."

"If you need me, you know where to find me."

Lawrence nodded. "Yeah, I appreciate it."

Bronson then turned around again—

But then something struck his mind. "Wait," he blurted.

The General stopped and stared at him, looking a little amused.

"I actually...was curious about something," Lawrence said, pondering to himself. Maybe he did have time to talk about wolf walkers and werewolves. The very reason that this coven wasn't under constant attack by the humans of Myrefall was because they shared a treaty; the vampires would keep the city and its inhabitants safe from the werewolf packs which lurked in the woods. It was Abbot's job to ensure that the treaty was protected and upheld. What if...Lawrence could use that to tear him down?

"Oh?" Bronson replied.

"Yeah...the treaty that the coven has with Myrefall. It's our duty to protect the humans from the werewolves, right?"

The General nodded. "Well, it is technically the entire coven's duty, but only the Knights are positioned around the city's entrances."

Lawrence was admittedly a little envious of Knight vampires. Not only were they trained intensely to fight off lycans, but they were also the only vampires other than those created originally by Lord Alucard who could walk in the sunlight. What he wouldn't give to get his hands on a day-walker's enchanted pendant. Maybe he'd rise to reach that rank someday.

He shifted his attention back to Bronson. "So like...what happens if a werewolf kills a human?"

Bronson exhaled deeply. "Well, that would definitely be a huge problem. Making deals with humans is one thing, but them keeping their part is a whole other situation. One slip-up would probably shatter the treaty...mainly because it's already happened."

"A werewolf already killed someone from the city?"

The General moved closer and gestured to the edge of Lawrence's bed. "May I?"

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