Chapter 10

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I haven't a clue what do do next. I know how to save Sean, but the actions after that are beyond me. A few days ago, Dutch, Arthur, John and I think Sean went to visit Mrs. Braithwaite. Apparently both these families are rumored to have some gold buried somewhere and Dutchs grand plan is to find and steal it.
I could care less about this petty family decades long war over land or gold or whatever spiteful reason is driving those people. What I do care about is being put in the middle of it. I told John as such and he had no awnser. All he really could say was he trusted Dutch and whatever he had planned.
Dutch has many flaws but none are as clear as the fact the man has no plan. Infact, I think his "plan" is sending the others into situations he knows nothing about. I can see it better than others. The signs of him loosing it, loosing that leadership quality he had before Blackwater. But he isn't fully to blame either. Micah had a hand in it and I have to make sure he sees the real Micah. The problem being, I don't know how. I'm he new guy. The one who isn't really to be trusted like that O̶'D̶r̶i̶s̶c̶o̶l̶l̶  Kieran.
I'm on my way to Strawberry to find Mr. Sinclair by the Lake. Perhaps he really is the one who sent me here. And maybe I can find out why. I don't belong here and it's becoming more evident each day that passes.

He looked up from his journal at the house Arthur had told him about. The strange man who talked nonsense definitely rang a bell. What bell, Jack had no idea. He dismounted his horse and walked up to the door.

He knocked on the door and waited for a moment. A man with a birthmark on his face awnsered the door. "Mr. Sinclair?"

"Yes and you are Marstons boy" he said, "pardon my behavior on your farm, I might have been a bit out of it"

"A bit? I reckon that's an understatement" Jack said and crossed his arms, "you shot me!"

"Moving on, have you found him?" Fransis asked, walking back unto his home and to a table filled with papers and books.

"Who?" Jack questioned.

"The man who killed your family" he said, "I'm sure you've come to know him, haven't you?"


"Whatever you say" he said.

"Whyd you even send me here? What am I doing here?" Jack questioned.

"Thought I was doing you a favor" Francis said, "Do you not want to try and save your family?"

Jack rolled his eyes, "you were rambling about the end of the world when you sent me back. What was that about?"

"I don't remember such an occurrence" he said, "perhaps you heard wrong"

"My hearing is fine thank you" Jack said.

"I suggest you find these artifacts and bring them back to me" Francis said ignoring Jack. He handed him a paper with a few crude drawings of small nicknacks.

"And why would I do that?" Jack questioned.

"Well I can pay you. And with the way that gang of yours operates, I know that gets you far" he said.

"How did you know that?" Jack questioned, walking forward getting a glimpse of the madness in his desk.

"Do you care?" He asked, "you and that hooligan gang are a bunch of bats in one's belfry and to be honest, I've seen it first hand with that father of yours".

"Aren't you quite the hawkshaw" Jack said, "Fine, but you still haven't told me why you sent me here"

"Well it's obvious isn't it? Your father helped me in the past and now I'm returning the favor" he said and looked at the door, "Now I'm quite busy at the moment and I reckon you have a job to finish".

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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