Chapter 6

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It had been a few days since they had been in the mountains. Jack fit in the gang more than everyone else thought he would.

He was reliable in getting them money and a capable guard. He kept to himself most days opting to stay away from Dutch and avoid Bill and Javier best he could. It was hard when all anyone wanted to do was talk to him.

Most of the gang didn't believe he was from the future, but it didn't bother him. Personally he thought he had finally lost his mind was was living in dileriam.

Dutch finally caught him one morning and pulled him to the side. He wasn't exactly happy with the fact Jack was ignoring him.

"Look son... I'm sorry for what I did to you in the future, but I haven't done it yet" Dutch said.

"I spent a good portion of my life fearing you would come back and kill my father" Jack said, "how do you think I feel when I see the reason my father's dead?".

Dutch scrunched his face, "I would never do anything to harm anyone in this gang".

Jack smirked, "Yeah sure...".

"Look son, what can I do to prove to you that I am not what you think I am?" Dutch asked.

"Kick Micah out or kill him. Let these people go to live their lives. Stop trying to live this life when it's all but gone" Jack said.

"No... our way of life isn't dead. You're proof of that" Dutch said.

"I quit the life once I killed Edgar Ross" Jack explained, "I look like an outlaw because they're the only clothes I've had for years and the governments been on my ass for months. I never wanted this".

Dutch signed, "We can get through this. We aren't over. We just need money and we'll be gone before they catch us".

Jack sighed, "Dutch, I'm telling you that this is what kills us. There's blood on your hands. Do you really want it to be these people too?"

"I know what I'm doing boy" Dutch said, "I'll have a talk with Micah. I'm sure he has a good explanation".

Jack rubbed his eyes, "You stubborn asshole. I see now why you turned out the way you did".

Jack walked away running into John as he walked.

"Did you just call Dutch an asshole?" He questioned.

Jack didn't awnser and walked all the way to his horse to leave the camp. He thought he'd get out for a few days and come back when Dutch probably didn't want to kill him.

John shrugged and went back to his chores when he saw Jack leave. He guessed that Jack got tired of camp and he didn't blame him.


Jack thought he'd go fishing to get some money and food for the gang. He was mostly the go to for anyone who did a stagecoach robbery or house robbery. An extra gun.

He didn't like robbing people much, but it helped that the people they were robbing were rich snobbs. He knew their kind all too well.

It was the next day. He made a small camp near a nice looking pond.

He gathered his fishing gear to go down to it in the morning. The pond was pretty large and he assumed it was as deep as it looked. He took out his fishing poll and started to fish.

It must have been a few hours as he was now reading through his journal waiting for the line to snag so he could reel whatever fish was on it. He leaned against a rock as he read the most recent entry Arthur had wrote about him

Jack's been a great help to the gang since he's arrived. He pulls his weight and more I'd say. He doesn't talk much. He sleeps pretty far away from camp and when he does come over here, it's because he's been called. He's a capable man.
John's been a better father since Jack arrived. I've noticed him take more interest in little Jack's wellbeing. I guess that's a good thing.
I had a talk with Herr. Strauss and found out he purposefully makes deals with people who can't pay back. I may be a bad man, but i ain't gonna stand for that. I kicked him out and got an earful from Miach.
"That man made me rich" he had said. What a peice of work.

This was followed by a sketch of Jack reading one of the pages Mary-Beth had given him to read. He had also written his name in a much nicer calligraphy.

"Hello" said a voice.

He looked up and nearly had a heart attack. Edgar Ross stood tall infront of him with another man by his side.

"How are you today sir?" Asked the man.

"Just fine" he said closing the journal, "anything I can do for you gentlemen?"

"We know who you are John Marston" he said, "I'm Agent Milton and this is my partner Agent Ross. We know you ride with Dutch Van der Linde".

Jack stood up meeting their gaze.

"Well then Agent Milton sir... I ask again... anything I can do for you?" Jack asked.

He knew he wasn't very intimidating but it seemed he had disturbed the two agents. They backed up from him looking at eachother.

"Look John... the only person we want is Dutch. We'll even grant you your freedom if you tell us how to get him".

Jack chuckled, "why do you think my name is John partner? I'm justa fella who's out fishing. I don't know any Dutch Van der Linde. If I did I'd tell you fine gentlemen".

He said gentlemen through his teeth, staring at Ross. He gave him a cold stare back.

"Who the hell else could you be?" Ageng Milton asked.

Jack smirked, "Rip Van Winkle".

Agent Milton chuckled and turned to Ross who kept the same sour expression.

"Thank you for your time" Agent Milton said, his smile dissappearing, "we'll be seeing you again very soon".

Jack watched them mount their horses and leave.

"Sone of a bitch" he cursed.

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