Chapter 20: Meanwhile

Start from the beginning

"So Harry, you don't remember anything at all?" Nico asked. Harry noticed that Nico hadn't eaten much, instead playing with the food with his fork.

There was a distinct memory: a stick, lights flashing, screaming, chaos. So cheerful. The flashing lights... they were magic. Faces flashed by memory, so quick he could barely make out any if them.

"My memory wasn't completely lost," Harry said slowly. "It's more like the puzzle pieces of my brain are scrambled, and I have to put them together."

"Well, at least it's not full-on amnesia, right?" Nico said, but Harry could tell optimism wasn't something he excelled at.

"Yeah," he agreed half-heartedly. His memory focused on a specific boy. He was blonde, had gray eyes, and was pretty pale. He couldn't put a name on that face, nor could he on all the others that were there but not quite at the same time.

Oh, and did Harry mention that these people were demigods? Yeah, their one of their parents was a God. The ones from the myths—they were real. Like, Nico's a son of Hades. He's the only one here, (although he says he has a sister in another camp) because the Gods made some deal—Harry didn't really understand it. Percy Guy was a son of Posiedon, the only one in this generation, and there are two children of Zeus. Nico said it was because Zeus could never keep it in his pants longer than he did. Lightning flashed overhead, but Nico looked pleased with himself.

He talked with Nico for a while, and he was a nice enough person. He was really sarcastic, but almost never smiled. Harry thought he could use a smile—everyone does. Harry decided to tell him a joke, which wasn't very funny, but Nico's mouth twitched upwards.

"So, is this Percy your friend?" Harry asked, at an attempt to start a conversation. Nico's paused at the word friend, then nodded.

"Yeah, something like that," he finally said.

"Something like that as in frenemy, or more than friends?" Harry questioned. Nico looked a little uncomfortable, but answered Harry's inquiry.

"Er, more?" Nico asked more than answered. Harry laughed at Nico's expression, and Nico laughed too, although it was more of a nervous chuckle.

"Wait," Harry said. "If Percy's Dad is Posiedon, and your Dad is Hades, and they're brothers, doesn't that make you two cousins?"

"Well, technically, yeah," Nico answered, laughing at Harry's horrified expression. "But Gods don't really have DNA, they don't even have blood.

"How the hell does that work?" Harry was pretty confused, to say the least.

"Oh, it's gonna take you a long time to understand what the fuck is going on," Nico said, "that's if you do understand at all."

"It's that messed up?" Harry questions. He knows he's seen some messed up stuff in his life too, so it can't be that messed up, right?


Week one:

Harry was beginning to understand what was going on, but his amnesia wasn't getting any better. Still the faces with no names came to his mind every now and then, but nothing new.

Nico was pretty nice to him, and so was Annabeth. She wasn't as scary when you get to know her—she was actually very sweet. She was a daughter of Athena, which explains the fact that she looks like she's solving a math problem all the time. Harry liked her. The way she carried her self with confidence... it was familiar.


Months later:

After spending a ton of time here, he came to the conclusion that the camp was homely enough, and he liked it. He had to sleep in a sleeping bag in the Hermes cabin, as he wasn't a demigod, and Hermes was the god of travellers. Did he count as a traveller if he was a lost amnesiac?

Speaking if his amnesia, it was getting better. He remembered a few things. He went to this school, Hogwarts. He had no idea where it was. Actually, he wouldn't have remembered the name if it had not been for Nico bringing up the name.

"Does the name 'Hogwarts' ring a bell to you?" Nico had asked. It did, in fact, ring a bell that rang many bells, if that makes any sence. Hogwarts was his school, where he learned... magic. Wow, just hearing himself think that makes him feel insane. But hey, he was at a camp for demigod children of the Greek Gods, so anything was possible.

And... he recalled a name. Draco Malfoy. The blonde boy. His name made butterflies fly around in his stomach, which was doing backflips and cartwheels and all sorts of tricks.

"Yes. Yes, I do," Harry said excitedly. "It was a my school!"

"Do you know where it's located?" Nico asked too quickly.

Harry thought for a while, digging around in his brain. "No," he finally concluded. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well, this is going to sound crazy."

"Everything I've heard since arriving here sounded crazy, so."

"Makes sence." Nico shrugged. "I guess you could say I've been having dream talks with him," he said, then added, "Percy."

"I figured."

"Yeah," Nico chuckled, but it sounded forced. "So, um, he said he was at this school—Hogwarts. He mentioned you, too, so I wondered if maybe that was where you came from," then he added, "and so it was."

"Yeah," Harry agreed. Nico tried to look fine, but in actuality, he looked pretty disappointed. Of course, Harry totally got it. The only thing standing between Nico and his boyfriend was an unknown location of Hogwarts.

"Hey, thanks anyway," Nico muttered. "I, uh, I'm pretty tired. I'll be in my cabin." And with that, he left. Harry, and most of their friends, were quite concerned. Nico was spending more time in his cabin. He wasn't eating much. He still looked fine, which worried his friends even more. They informed Harry that before, Nico had been open about his feelings.


"So, do you remember where this Hogwarts is yet?" Nico casually asked Harry after a few weeks. If Harry remembered where it was located, Nico and Harry could go to Hogwarts before Percy could face all three tasks. Nico had been worried sick about Percy, along with Percy's other friends, Annabeth, Grover, Piper, and Jason. [He's not dead. Yet. *Sobs in corner*]

Harry thought for a second. "Not really, but it feels like maybe somewhere north? Not America, obviously."

"Europe, perhaps?" Nico suggested. It couldn't be so far north that it was in the North Pole, that would be ridiculous. And since Harry was English, then he guessed it was somewhere in Britain, or at least Europe.

"I think so, actually," Harry said, a smile creeping onto his face. "Europe—but I don't remember where in Europe. Sorry."

"It's fine," Nico said, although it wasn't all that fine. "It's not your fault. You'll remember."

Word count: 1871

Y'all I'm sorry this took so long and also this chapter sucks but at least it's an update right?

Right? Hehehe, don't kill me.

But seriously, no matter how long the updates take, I'm gonna finish this thing. <3

Anyway, until the next chapter!

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