Charpter 2: Percy Finally Understands What the Hell is Going on

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In about an hour, as Madam Pomfrey had predicted, he was let free. As he exited the hospital wing, (he learned that's what they call it) he realised he had no idea where to go.

Well, this is great.

He was looking around, trying to decide which way to go, when someone came up to him from behind.

"Sorry I'm late," Hermione said, making Percy jump. "Didn't mean to scare you, but I found a spell to give you a temporary British accent."

"That's amazing!" Percy grinned, as Hermione pulled out her wand. She murmured some spell, then put her wand away.


"But I don't feel any different," Percy said, then his eyes widened. He just spoke British. "Never mind, it worked."

Hermione laughed, and Percy joined her.

"I'll take you to the Gryffindor common room," she offered. "and on the way, I'll tell you everything you need to know."

"Sounds good," Percy smiled.

They began their walk down the corridor. Percy looked at one of the paintings on the wall, and he swore it waved at him.

"So, your name is Harry Potter, and you're fourteen years old," She started. "Do you know how old you are?"

"I think... around seventeen, maybe," Percy guessed. "But I'll pass as fourteen."

"Good. Harry and M-, er, Draco, were enemies, but now they're, um.." She hesitated, thinking Percy wouldn't be okay with it.

"Dating? Yeah, I guessed," Percy said. "It's okay, I don't mind. I'm starting to doubt my own sexuality."

"Really?" She looked relieved. "Is it that boy you remember, Nico?"

As usual, Percy flushed. "I-I think." He cleared his throat. "But we're getting off-topic here."

Hermione chuckled. "Anyway, they still pretended to be enemies in front of everyone. You'll have to do that."

"No problem."

They entered another hallway, and this one had many doors—classrooms, Percy guessed. They kept on.

"Here in the wizarding world, there's an... evil wizard, you could call him," Hermione shuddered. "We call him You-Know-Who, but Harry always used to say his real name."

"Okay, then, what is it?" Percy asked curiously.

"It's, er," Hermione leaned in, and whispered, "Voldemort." She winced at her own words.

"Voldemort," Percy repeated, to make sure he got it right. Hermione flinched once again.

"Yes, anyway, he killed Harry's parents when he was a  one-year-old, and tried to kill Harry too, but he survived, which was miraculous, because no one had ever survived the killing curse, ever. He didn't have a scratch on him, except for a lightning scar on his forehead." She explained.

"Which I don't have," Percy noted, pointing to his forehead. Sure enough, there was nothing.

"Right," she said and simply waved her wand again. "You do now."

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