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He was running.

He didn't know from what, or how or when he started running, but he was.

His instincts told him not to stop, to keep sprinting further and further away from the unknown threat.

His heart was hammering in his ears, drowning the constant stomping of his feet as he dragged on.

"Keep going, don't stop!" A female voice, one he felt was familiar, urged him on.

He was tiring, struggling to catch his breath, but he kept going. He was slowing down, his legs barely able to carry him any longer.

His ragged breath echoed around him, as his sprinting faded to jogging.

"No!" The same familiar voice cried. "Don't stop, no!"

He felt fear swelling up in his chest, his heart thumping dangerously fast. He quickened his pace, though he knew he couldn't go on forever.

Forget forever. It would be a miracle if he could keep this pace for five minutes.

He was drenched in sweat, but he kept forging on.

On, and on, and on.

Everything hurt by now. He was tempted to just stop and confront whatever was tailing him. He reached into his pocket, not really sure what he was looking for, but was disappointed when he didn't find anything.

That's when it all went downwards.


He tripped on his own feet, stumbling. His chin scraped the ground, and he let out a painful grunt.

"It'll all be okay," The same voice assured him, with a slightly panicked tone."You'll be fine." He couldn't see how.

He tried to get up, but all he managed to do was stumble once again, this time hitting his head against the solid floor. Black dots danced before his eyes, as he struggled to stay conscious.

It suddenly seemed to grow darker, but he soon figured out it was just the mysterious... thing pursuing him.

He moved his gaze weakly, trying to get a good look at whatever, or whomever, it was.

But he couldn't make out the figure's face.

It laughed at his pathetic appearance, and it was such a horrible sound, he thought his ears would bleed.

It looked at him, straight in the eye. Or so he guessed, as he still couldn't make out the silhouette's face if it even had one. It looked like a shadow, one that had gone loose from its owner. It was nonetheless horrifying.

"This is what becomes of the great hero?" His voice was deep, raspy, and full of evil. "The saviour, Ha! You couldn't even save your own ass." He paused to let out another short, cold laugh. "You're lucky I have no intention to kill you. Yet."

But the figure tackled him, not showing his unintentions to shred him to pieces.

He gasped, as pain flouded in his chest.

Word count: 571

Edit: Heyy, what's up? I hope you're well. So the actual chapters are longer, but this is a prologue, so yeah.

Also, I thought it would be a good idea if I suggested different rrverse (or hp) fanfics at the end of each chapter, because I want to share the joy of those fanfics with you guys, and some of them are really, super extraordinarily good, with not many views, so go check them out.

So, this Fanfic is called 'Project Demigod (a Percico Fanfic)' by bookworm210, and it's literally the best Fanfic ever, you should definitely go check it out.

Anyway, until the next chapter!

The Switch (pjo/hp)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum