Charter 1: So Lost and Out of Place

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He gasped, his eyes fluttering open. It took him a few seconds to realise that everything was a dream. But he knew it wasn't just something as simple as a hallucination. It felt so real. Partly because his legs felt weak, and his chest was nearly combusted with pain.

He pushed himself so that, after a few painful grunts, he was in a sitting position. Then he finally took in his surroundings.

He was in one of the dozens of beds lined up against the two walls facing each other. Some other people were also lying in bed, mostly surrounded by visitors. He figured it must be some kind of infirmary or sickbay. But he had no idea how he ended up here.

Come to think of it, he couldn't really remember anything. Not even his name.

Just as he was digging around his head, looking for some kind of memory, He noticed a group of three, One girl and two guys, headed towards him.

The girl ran up to him when she saw that he was awake.

"Oh my god, you're finally awake! We were starting to get worried!" She said in a British accent, as she tackled him with a hug.

He winced, his chest still searing in pain. She saw this and quickly pulled away.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," She apologised.

"Give him a break, Hermione, he just woke up," One of the guys, a ginger, said. "But we really were worried, mate."

"Um" He said, trying to remember if he knew these people, but they weren't familiar.

"Are you okay? What happened? How did you end up unconscious in the forest?" The other guy, a tall, handsome, blonde, questioned, a look of deep concern etched across his physic. He pushed the other two away, as he came over to him, and kissed his forehead.

His shock must have shown because the blonde pulled away. "What's wrong?"


"Harry, you're worrying us, what's going on?" The ginger boy, concerned.

"Harry?" He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "That's not..."

"Oh, Harry!" The girl looked at the brink of tears.

"My name isn't Harry." He decided. It just sounded wrong. But what sounded right? It was something with a... 'c' maybe? Carl. No.

It was 'P', he suddenly remembered.

Okay, that's good, he thought.

Peter? No.

Paul? It sounded familiar, but it wasn't his name.

Par... Per? Parker?



Yes, that was his name, Percy. But what was his surname?

"Have you lost your memory?" The girl gradually questioned.

"Yeah, maybe someone obliviated him!" The ginger exclaimed. "Do you even remember your name?" The three of them looked at him expectantly, but he shook his head.

"It took me ten whole minutes to recall my name, and it was only my first." Percy recollected.

"If you remembered that you're Harry, then why did you say you weren't?" The blonde inquired.

"Listen, you're mixing me up with someone else, man," He sighed. "My name is Percy."

"How can..." The girl's question faded away. "It does kind of make sense. He has an American accent. And to be fair, his body is built differently from Harry's."

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