They see your scars

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A/N: I want you to know that you don't need to harm yourself to get rid of pain, i used to be like that but then i found good friends and a favorite plushie and pillow to help me comfort through things. If you ever need someone to talk to then im right here even if you don't know me, or go to someone you can trust.

-She gets SUPER worried
-Will literally tear up
-Will make sure they aren't infected and bandaging them up so they can properly heal
-Will beg and cry to you not to harm yourself anymore

-Tries to act calm but on the inside she is FREAKING out
-Will bandage them up and kiss the bandages just to make sure they don't start bleeding again
-Will bury her head in your chest and hold you tightly and not let go for a while
-She doesn't know what else to do

-he's mad bc he wants to stop smiling but he can't
-if the cuts are fresh then he'll bandage them up and just stay silent but even if they aren't after he's done taking care of them he'll hug you tightly and tell you how he'll help you stop he just doesn't want to see you in pain

-She was cleaning and saw the knives and sharp object in your room so she asked about them
-not wanting to keep secrets from her you told her what was going on.
-She'd think you're kidding at first probably and say it's not funny to joke about but then realize you are being serious and instantly get worried
-bye bye goes the sharp stuff and hello comfort

Angel Dust:
-you two were trying on clothes and he got you into a really short outfit and he saw the scars on your thighs
-the way his heart broke so fast and the way his tears instantly began to pour
-he thought he was the reason you harmed yourself

-He drops his alcohol
-You two were chillin by the bar when your sleeve accidentally rolled up and he saw
-Before you could hide it, he lightly grabbed your arm and examined the cuts
-He dragged you up to his room and just held you, he begged you to stop the harm and buried his head in your chest

Sir pentious:
-He doesn't understand why or what the scars mean until you tell him
-he goes from Happy to confused to sad in a second
-He wraps himself around your body and sobs and begs you to stop
-You have to comfort him back to normal bc he will not stop until he knows you will stop harming yourself

-He was busy with work when you came into his office
-You thought it would be best that he knew because he was already upset at you bc he knew you were hiding things from him
-Once you told him he froze, not knowing what to say
-He will pull you over and into his lap and just hold you close, you know he wants you to stop but he doesn't like to sound clingy so he just continues to work and then when yall go home he will treat you like the queen/king you are

-One of her clients was pressuring you into one of Velvette's outfits so you put it on and it was very exposing
-you were hiding out in one of her dressing rooms  when Velvette went and searched for you
-She found you and opened up the door to the dressing room and saw the scars and how uncomfortable you were
-She'd give you a hoodie and tell you to put your regular clothes back on
-She'd cancel her show so you two can binge your face show and cuddle while she may not tell you anything about what she saw she will make sure you will stop.

-She saw them when walking in on you changing
-She will act mad but will actually be really upset
-She'll say how much you matter and how you shouldn't be harming yourself
-She'd need a few to collect herself but then come back with your favorite food and sweets, and whisper how special you are to her and how she can't live without you

-He would get so upset
-He'd probably start crying which is something you rarely ever see
-He's lost so many people and doesn't want one of those people to be you
-He clings to you and won't let go until you PROMISE you will stop hurting yourself and he will be there for you the whole journey through and never leave your side
-If he had to he would postpone extermination day just to do so

-instant waterworks and hugging
-she thinks it's something she did and instantly asks what she did wrong
-when you say it wasn't her and some problems going on she will kind of understand but will respect you if you don't want to talk about it
-She will plead for you to stop and then to cuddle
-please don't hurt her anymore and give her cuddles 🥺

-INSTANTLY thinks it's because of him working on his ducks and sometimes not paying attention to you
-You reassure him he wasnt the reason and he'll feel a little better but not entirely
-Would want to talk about the reason but will understand if you don't want to
-He will hug you tightly and make you some food

-you two are out bombing and some of your clothes get burned and where your cuts were that's the part of clothing that got burned
-she doesn't notice at first but does after a minute
-She picks you up bridal style and runs off so she can make sure you are okay
-you'll have to explain to her that this was your own doing and not the opponents
-She doesn't understand at first until after you explain and she felt tears fill her eyes as you told her
-She'll take you back home and will stop bombing for as long as you need her
-a year, a month, a day. She will stop until she can be sure you are alright

HEY GUYS! Sorry for the wait i had this chapter in mind at the last minute but it took me a while to write bc of the context. Remember that there is always someone who will be there for you and please don't harm yourself it isn't worth it because you are all amazing in your very own way

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