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I wake up before y/n, which I was happy about. She really needs sleep, she's so young she can't be losing this much sleep. I check the time 11:13.
I thought it was earlier.

I want to make her some breakfast but I'll wake her up if I get out of bed. She's basically on top of me, her arms are around my waist, her heads on my chest and her legs are wrapped around mine.

I decide I'll just stay in bed until she wakes up.
I stroke her hair and after around ten minutes she finally stirs awake.

"Good morning baby" I say, but it comes out so quietly I'm not sure if she even heard. "Hi Tay", she whispers, confirming that she heard me.

She peels herself off of me and sits up, she stares at the wall for a while before turning to me "I should probably get going, I'll get changed so you can have your pyjamas back"she says gently.

I really don't want her to go, but I have to let her.
"Text me when you're home, please! Also, don't worry about the pyjamas, you can keep them. I have your clothes in a bag, ready for you."

She stares at me for a second before answering "I'll text you all the time, can we meet up again soon please? You could come over to my house when my dads not home or we could go shopping or something? Are you sure about the pyjamas? These hoodies are really expensive".

Why is she even asking, I would hang out with her every second of every day if I could!
"Yes please can we see eachother again soon, maybe even tomorrow if you're free? Of course you can keep the hoodie, I have enough and it looks cute on you" I say with a giggle.

She seems happy with my response "Yes tomorrows perfect, text me the details."
I nodded, our silence was interrupted by her stomach growling. We both looked at eachother and giggled.

"Come down stairs love, I'll make you some breakfast" I say, extending out my hand out to her, which she takes happily.

We go downstairs and she decides on toast with Nutella. I make her two slices of toast and I make myself a coffee and some porridge.

We don't talk much while we eat, just some small talk occasionally.

After breakfast, she lets me braid her hair for her. I split her hair in two sections and begin French braiding the left side first. After around ten minutes, I'm finally done.

"Thank you Tay! It looks so pretty, mine always turn out messy when I try to do it myself"
I smile "Thanks sweetheart, I practiced a lot when I was younger, to really perfect them"

After a few minutes y/n was ready to leave, I really want her to stay for longer but I know that she has to go.

I let my driver know that he will need to drive her back. I watch her put her coat on and take her AirPods out of her pocket.

"What kind of music do you listen to darling?"I ask , I just realised I don't even know if she listens to my music or not.

She looks at me and smirks "you." She says simply. I didn't really expect that to be honest, when most people meet me they make sure that the first thing they say is 'I love your music' I'm surprised that y/n didn't tell me.

I smile brightly, "I didn't expect that, what's your favourite song and album?"

"My favourite songs are New Year's Day, You're on your own kid, marjorie and Begin Again. My favourite album is evermore" she says happily.

I know why she chose you're on your own kid and marjorie, but I can't help but notice Begin Again. I hope that one also means something.

I decide not to ask any questions "I'm so happy you picked those songs, I'm really proud of them" I said, hugging her, for the thousandth time.

"Your music has helped me a lot" she admits, saying it into my chest since she's so much shorter than me. I hold her tighter to me, she reminds me of my younger self a lot.

Then we hear the driver drive into the driveway.
We pull away from eachother and I immediately feel cold. She puts on her shoes and stands up.

"Bye for now baby, hopefully we'll see eachother tomorrow!" I say, sounding hopeful.

"Yeah, I hope so!" She says, wrapping her arms around me once again. I hug her tightly and when we pull apart I open the door for her.

I wave to her and she waves from the backseat of the car. I already miss her.

"Hey Tay, I'm on the way home now! I don't think I've properly thanked u for everything. I really appreciate u and I'm sososo grateful that u let me stay, that was so nice of u. U make me feel so loved and u only know me for a day. Also tysm for the pyjamas and the food you made for me, thanks for the pizza too🩷 I know this isn't easy for u either, just know that u can talk 2 me🫶u have the kindest soul ever and I really can't wait 2 c u again!:))) Thank u again for letting me stay. I love u to the moon and to Saturn" sent: 12.35



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