Madam President's expression remained impassive. "Heroes serve the greater good by adhering to the rules set forth by the Commission," she asserted. "Our directives ensure the safety and stability of society."

Kenzo's brow furrowed in frustration. "Is that how you justified manipulating Hawks into being your little spy on the League of Villains?" he questioned pointedly.

Madam President's demeanour tightened, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. "And how exactly did you know about that?" she demanded, her voice laced with suspicion.

Kenzo held her gaze steadily. "Enough to know that the Hero Commission isn't always transparent about its methods," he replied evenly. "Is that how you operate, behind closed doors, making decisions without considering the consequences? Hawks is in intensive care now. Dabi almost killed him."

Madam President's gaze bore into Kenzo's, her expression inscrutable. "You're treading on dangerous ground, Kenzo," she warned, her voice low and measured. "Some matters are best left to those in authority."

Kenzo remained undeterred. "If the Hero Commission truly serves the people, shouldn't it be held accountable for its actions?" he pressed, his tone unwavering.

Madam President's lips tightened into a thin line. "You would do well to remember your place, Aero," she admonished, her voice cool and controlled.

But Kenzo stood his ground, refusing to back down. "I'll remember the oath I took as a hero," he declared firmly. "To protect and serve, even if it means challenging those in power."

Madam President's gaze narrowed, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "We'll see about that," she replied cryptically, her tone laden with warning.

Kenzo strode out of Madam President's office, his mind swirling with the weight of their exchange. As he emerged, he spotted Shin waiting in the hallway, a concerned expression etched on his features.

Shin's eyes widened as he caught sight of Kenzo's troubled countenance. "What happened in there?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Kenzo shook his head, his jaw set with determination. "We have a problem," he replied tersely, his tone grave. "Madam President isn't happy with me."

Shin's brow furrowed in concern. "What did she say?"

Kenzo hesitated for a moment before answering. "She threatened me," he admitted, his voice low. "Warned me to watch my step."

Shin's eyes widened in alarm, his gaze darting nervously down the hallway. "That doesn't sound good," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kenzo nodded in agreement, a knot of tension coiling in his stomach. "I have a feeling things are about to get complicated."

Shin's expression darkened, a sense of unease settling over him. "What do we do now?"

Kenzo's gaze hardened with resolve. "We keep trying," he declared, his voice unwavering. "And I watch my back."


Kenzo returned to his penthouse in Hosu, the familiar surroundings offering a fleeting sense of solace amidst the chaos that awaited him. As he prepared himself a salad in the sleek, modern kitchen, his thoughts drifted back to the unsettling encounter with Madam President and the looming uncertainty ahead.

Just as he was finishing up, his phone rang, and he saw Nezu's name flashing on the screen. Kenzo hesitated for a moment before answering, wondering what the principal of UA could want.

"Hello, Nezu," Kenzo greeted, his tone guarded yet polite.

"Ikari, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Nezu replied cheerfully. "I have a proposition for you, if you're willing to hear me out."

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