4: His Life III

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▬▬▬▬▬▬►His Life III◄▬▬▬▬▬▬

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His Life III

THE ROOM IS DRAPED in shadows, the dim light barely penetrating the thick curtains.

The air is heavy with a sense of melancholy, suffocating any hint of joy.

The walls, once painted a cheerful color, now seem to absorb what little light exists, casting a pallid hue across the room.

In the corner, a lone figure sits hunched over on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped and head bowed.

Silent tears stream down his cheeks, their silent descent echoing the weight of his sorrow.

Each droplet falls onto the crumpled bedsheet below, leaving behind a trail of dampness as if marking the path of his anguish.

The boy's presence seems to magnify the gloominess of the room, his despair palpable in the stillness.

The only sound is the occasional sniffle as he struggles to contain his emotions, the only movement the rhythmic rise and fall of his shoulders with each shuddering breath.

The boy stares at the ceiling as the silent tears evolve in his captivating eyes.

Numbness pervades as the lady exits, leaving his room, and sobs escape from his bruised lips, echoing the ache within his wounded soul.

With heavy steps, entering the bathroom for a bath, the boy spots a bruise on his neck in the mirror.

Clenching his fists, he takes the scrub, rubbing his body aggressively, a desperate attempt to erase the disgusting touch of the horrible woman.

The intensity continues, his entire body turning red, yet he persists, determined to wash away the haunting traces.

Collapsing on the shower floor, the boy cries his heart out, blood oozing from the bruise inflicted during his aggressive scrubbing.

The water mixes with his tears, creating a poignant scene of emotional release and physical pain.

Tears stream down the boy's face as he sobs, overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

The weight of his inability to save himself bears heavily on his shoulders, leaving him feeling utterly pathetic and defeated.

The boy emerges from the bathroom after an hour, his eyes showing signs of swelling, encircled by a red hue.

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