2: His Life

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┃        HIS LIFE        ┃

IN THE QUAINT HOUSE, the sun's rays poured through the windows, casting a warm orange glow that bathed the rooms in a cozy ambiance.

The air echoed with the delightful sounds of giggles and laughter, painting a vivid picture of a joyous household where the sunlight brought a touch of serenity to every corner.

A four-year-old boy with captivating heterochromic eyes ran through the household, his soft giggles echoing in the air.

A lady, likely a family member or caregiver, chased after him, playfully engaging in a game.

"I will definitely catch you this time, YN." The maid said but he continued his running with his small paws.

"Gotcha." The maid holds him from behind as they both laughed.

"Nana, no!"

YN Aizawa, after he turned four his mother also started to go on her work. So, since she couldn't leave him alone, she hired a nanny to take care of her son.

The mother, aware that her son was quirkless, found a sense of contentment in his uniqueness.

Yet, a persistent fear lingered in her heart – the thought of the unknown, the possibility that he might suddenly develop a destructive quirk.

Despite her happiness for his current state, an undercurrent of worry always cast a shadow on her emotions, a reminder of the uncertainties that lay ahead for her 'beloved' son.

The father, indifferent to whether his son had a quirk or not, embraced him with unwavering love.

For him, the essence of their connection surpassed any consideration of supernatural abilities.

In his heart, a profound promise took root – a commitment to protect his son at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

The father's love became a steadfast shield, shielding his son from the uncertainties that might arise due to societal expectations or the absence of a quirk.


"YN, hurry up!" Yumi yelled at her son. The boy came running to his mother, who was waiting in front of the door to send him to school.

However, instead of a warm talk, his mother shouted at him for being late.

The boy, now seven and ready for school, approached the institution with initial excitement.

However, the joy quickly faded as he realized the reality of a school where everyone had developed quirks, and he found himself without one.

The boy sat in the classroom, attempting to focus on the teacher's lesson. However, some students disrupted the atmosphere by throwing paper balls at him.

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