Trials and Tribulations

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for reminding me!" said Officer Jenny, remembering what she came to do and takes out a couple folders. "Here's Ash and Hayley's commendation certificates. As representative of Melemele Island, I present these certificates from all of its citizens thanking you both for your heroic work. Here!"

"Mm. Ah! Thanks a lot, Officer Jenny!" said Ash.

"It means a lot." said Hayley.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu.

"Cario, Cario." said Meeko. Outside of Hala's house, Kukui and Rotom were standing next to Officer Jenny's vehicle. "But if you leave, you'll miss the grand trial." said Rotom.

"Since I'm on duty, I'm afraid I must." Officer Jenny tells him. "I know Melemele Island is peaceful, but police work still keeps me busy."

"I think we can safely credit you for that peace, officer. Take good care." said Kukui.

"You too." said Officer Jenny, taking off.

"When will Ash, Hayley and the Kahuna be back?" Rotom asked the professor.

"(Chuckles) It'll be over before you know it." Kukui replied.

Narrator: Before starting the Grand Trial, Ash, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko have gone with Kahuna Hala to a pre-battle ceremony being held at the Ruins of Conflict.

Hayley, opens one eye: You know, I'm really trying to restrain myself from running all over the room right now. It feels like I'm meditating here.

Meeko: Lucar.

"Today we will perform a Grand Trial battle with our young challengers, Ash and Hayley." said Hala. "I now ask Tapu Koko, guardian of conflict, to bestow upon us the power of Alola of all the islands."

"Please, Tapu Koko. This will be both my and sister's Grand Trial with Kahuna Hala, so I want you to watch it!" said Ash.

"Tapu Koko, please guide me through this trial." said Hayley. Outside of the ruins, bushes rustled. Ash groaned as Hayley opened an eye when suddenly Hala starts laughing a bit. "You can move now, Ash. You too, Hayley." he tells them.

"Good! 'Cause I don't think I can feel my feet right now." said Hayley, falling to one side.

"Lucar?" asked Meeko, poking at Hayley's feet before trying to push her back up. "Lucario? Lucario?"

"So, tell me, Kahuna Hala, do you think Tapu Koko heard us?" asked Ash as Hayley sighs.

"I would say there's a good possibility Tapu Koko heard us." replied Hala. "But as Island Guardians go, Tapu Koko follows its own path." In the distance, Tapu Koko was heard.

"Tapu Koko!" Tapu Koko called out, causing Ash and Hayley to gasp.

"Pika? Lucar?" asked Pikachu and Meeko.

"Ay?" said Hariyama.

Once out of the Ruins of Conflict, Ash and Hayley were at the battlefield. "All right, you two, one thing before your Grand Trial begins." Kukui said to them. "Do you know the correct poses for the Normal-Type Z-Move?"

"We sure do!" said Ash. "We've practiced till its second nature. Right, Pikachu?"

"Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"How about you, Hayley?" asked Kukui.

"Every single day for an hour." said Hayley.

"Lucario!" said Meeko, nodding in agreement.

"Yes, they're correct." Rotom chimed in.

"Well done. Way to Lock-On and master your Z-Move." said Kukui.

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