Chapter 8: Corruption

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Cheshma Town, Roria

Upon arriving at Cheshma Town, Donald immediately went to the Loomian Trainer Station. He placed all five Capture Discs on the Loomian Resting Machine to allow them to fully recover. As he was about to leave, he paused.

I'm almost out of Capture Discs, and I might encounter a Loomian in the Gale Forest that I'd want on my team.

Each Capture Disc was 200 LoomiCoins. Donald bought five more Capture Discs before leaving.

Eaglit tugged at Donald's pants leg and whined. 

"What's wrong?" Donald asked.

Weevolt squealed and was also in a bothered mood.

Donald's stomach growled. We were training for a while, so they're definitely hungry. "Let's stop by a restaurant before we go to the Gale Forest."

Even after earning enough money from the Union to afford three meals a day, Donald sometimes forgot to eat. He would sometimes be so engrossed in his work that he would ignore his hunger until the gnawing at his stomach became very noticeable. After meeting Kingsley, the latter would make sure Donald ate at least twice a day, although he preferred Donald to eat three times a day.

Donald bought some Loomian Food for his team, and he settled with a ham and cheese sandwich for himself. 

"I promise, I'm not making any of this up! The Loomians, I saw them with my own eyes. They were possessed by an evil spirit."

Donald, not having anything else to do, turned to the direction of the commotion. An old man was speaking with two police officers.

"They attacked me with incredible strength. The aura it gave off was dark and chilling. Something has definitely disturbed the souls of this forest."

The only forest nearby is the Gale Forest. Donald thought, Doug said the tablet piece is in the Gale Forest and this old man's claiming that something's off with the Loomians' behavior. It's not a coincidence.

"What you're saying is absurd." The male police officer said, "There are no evil wild Loomians in these woods."

"He's right," the female police officer added, "these woods have always been watched over by a Guardian Spirit."

"I've lived in the Gale Forest for many years, and I'm telling you, I have never seen anything like this. I believe Duskit, the Guardian Spirit of these woods, may be a key element in the local Loomians' change of behavior."

Duskit? Donald typed the Loomian's name into his LoomiWatch's Loomipedia.

#253 - Duskit (Guardian Spirit Loomian)
The people of Cheshma Town tell legends of Duskit protecting the surrounding area from disaster throughout history.

"Nonsense, the Guardian Spirit is a protector of the woods," the male officer said. 

"Sir, your claims simply do not make any sense."

"Fine then, don't listen to me." The old man was frustrated with the cops. "I know something has disturbed our sacred forest, and I will get to the bottom of this myself if I have to."

The two police officers left.

Once his team finished eating, Donald walked over to the old man. "I'd like to know more about these strange things occurring in the Gale Forest."

"Starting a few days ago, the Loomians started acting strangely," the old man explained, "and it was only a couple hours ago that they started becoming even more violent and disturbing. Duskit has protected these woods for centuries, and in all the times I've visited it, it's always been gentle. Its behavior was completely different when I visited it this morning. Since you look like a Loomian Trainer, would you mind investigating this matter a little more for me? I would go myself, but I'm defenseless and cannot withstand another attack. Maybe having two eyewitnesses will convince the law to take this more seriously."

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