Cloak Of Darkness

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Season 1 Episode 9

Valerie stood next to three Coruscant guards. The three of them were idly chatting while Valerie stood there with her hands behind her back. The four of them were all waiting to hear from Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and when she would be arriving. Valerie had no idea why her master put her up for this assignment, especially when he was working on an internal dispute on Calipsa. Her master insisted that it would be wise for her to assist Master Unduli. A beeping from the holotable pulled the four out of their own little worlds. Valerie pushed a button and that's when she saw the Jedi Master.

"Jedi Cruiser Tranquility," Master Unduli said. "This is General Luminara Unduli requesting permission to land."

"Master Unduli, a pleasure it is to see you again." Valerie said as she bowed her head. "Of course you may land."

"Now, now child. She has to get permission from me." Captain Argyus, Coruscant's head guard said.

"Child?" Valerie raised an eyebrow.

Captain Argyus proceeded to ignore her. "You are clear, general. We await your prisoner's arrival."

"Thank you, Captain Argyus, Padawan Ortis. I look forward to delivering him to the two of you."

Master Unduli's hologram disappeared and Valerie turned to the captain. She couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed with how he spoke to her. The captain and his two guards were back to chatting and ignoring the Jedi. "Excuse me, Captain Argyus." The two guards stopped to look at her while Captain Argyus continued to look away from her. Valerie cleared her throat. "Argyus?!"

"Hmm?" The captain turned as if he was seeing her for the first time. "Ah, yes child. What is it?"

"My name is not child." Valerie stated. "It's General Ortis or even just Valerie. What was that all about with just dismissing me with Master Unduli?"

"I do not know what you are talking about, uh, Valerie." Captain Argyus stated. "I was giving permission for the general to land."

Valerie waved her hand. "Um, hello. I did that."

"I am the captain and I am leading this mission." Captain Argyus said.

"If you're leading this mission then why did the Jedi Council send me on this mission then? I technically outrank you according to the rules of this war." Valerie crossed her arms.

They felt Master Unduli's ship being docked and Captain Argyus turned away from her. "Not now, kid. The general is arriving and I must prepare our prisoner." He walked away from her with his two guards following behind him.

"It's Valerie." Valerie mumbled and followed the three men out the door.


Valerie was walking in front of the three guards as they made their way to Master Unduli. Even Valerie could hear the complaints from the Viceroy in the distance.

"This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice!" Valerie heard the Neimoidian complain. "I demand my litigator!"

"Keep moving." A clone could be heard saying.

Valerie saw Ahsoka in the group with the prisoner and she couldn't help but smile. She had no idea her friend was also on this assignment as well and it instantly got better.

"Ahsoka! It's so good to see-" Valerie started but Captain Argyus pushed Valerie aside and walked up to the group. Valerie made eye contact with Ahsoka and she gave Valerie a pity smile.

"Greetings general. We have the brig all ready for this traitor." Captain Argyus said.

"Very good, captain." Master Unduli said. "Commander Gree, let's get this underway."

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