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For the cold climates of Lah'mu, it was a rather warmer day for the weather. Not that much warmer though. A young woman with long brown hair, that cascaded to her mind-back was tending to the crops by her hut. She had a floral wrap, wrapped around her head. A small infant about 3 years old wandered around her, cooing at everything. The woman noticed that there were a couple Kitehawk's in the distance, the woman kept her machete close to her hip. The infant looked up at the creatures and held out her hand, her eyes closed. The creatures flew down towards the child and the mother quickly pulled out her machete but stopped. The predators swirled around her, but they seemed more curious than hungry. The infant kept her hand out. They landed near her and she patted them. In the distance a cruiser appeared into the system. The mother still held her machete, a man about the same age around her rushed out of the hut, a blaster rifle in his hand.

"My love, what's going on." He held his blaster up as a smaller shuttle descended from the cruiser. The mother moved in front of her child, the Kitehawk's surrounded the infant, almost as if they were protecting her. A Kel Dor appeared from the ship, he had on a rebreather and goggles. He had two other men on either side of him, they didn't have their helmets on and they looked identical, except one had a scar that went through his right eye. "Stop right there!" The father called out. "We don't want any trouble, we are peaceful people!"

The two soldiers kept their hands on their blasters and the Kel Dor held his hand down. "Commander Wolffe, Corporal Coment, we are not here to start a fight." The two listened and took their hands away. "My apologies for them, my name is Plo Koon." The infant peaked around her mother, intrigued by the man.

"State your business." The father kept his blaster up, holding it steady.

"I'm a Jedi Master-" Plo Koon started.

"There aren't any Jedi out here! We have no part in your war you started, we are a neutral planet." The father cut him off.

Plo Koon bowed his head slightly, "yes, we are not here on behalf of the war, we are here on behalf of the Jedi Counsel." Plo Koon looked down and the small infant started to waddle towards him, her mother knelt down and held her.

The father caught on and pointed his blaster at the Kel Dor. "You can't take her!"

"Darling please, lower the blaster." The mother said and looked down at her daughter.

Plo Koon knelt down to their level, "I suppose you knew all along."

The mother nodded, "I've had ancestors who were force sensitive and she had been starting to show signs." She turned back to the Kitehawk's who still stayed and watched intently. "She's almost 3 now, she's still a baby. I don't know if I can say goodbye to her though."

"The force is strong with her, it'll be an honor for her to be trained in the ways of the Jedi." Plo Koon said. "I found another force sensitive child on the planet of Shili recently, she won't be alone."

"My love, we can't just let our only child go with this stranger." The father said, he knelt beside her and put a hand on her shoulder, she grabbed his hand with hers.

"Will she be safe?" She asked and Plo Koon nodded and she took in a deep breath and turned to her husband, "we can't make this choice for her. She gets to decide if she comes back to us, she stays and you leave, never to return," She waited and the Kel Door nodded, "but-" she breathed. "If she goes to you then a Jedi she will become." Her parents got up and back away, Plo Koon did the same thing. The child looked back at her parents.

"Mama? Dada?" The infant cooed. Her parents nodded and she turned back towards the stranger, she cooed some more and took staggering steps forwards. Her mother nodded, she knew her daughter's choice from the start, she had a curious nature since she learned to walk. Plo Koon knelt down and held out his hand. The child tilted her head at his extended hand and carefully placed her hand in his. Her father wrapped his arms around his wife, her mother had a happy look on her face, with sadness behind it.

"I suppose this means she leaves with you right away?" Her mother inquired.

Plo Koon stood up and still held her daughter's hand. "Yes, she is to be trained in the ways of the Jedi and the force. She will make an excellent Padawan one day."

Her mother sighed and her daughter tilted her head curiously, having no idea what's going on. "I'm also guessing she is to bring nothing with her." Plo Koon nodded. "Okay." Plo Koon, his men, and their daughter all turned and started walking towards the small ship. Plo Koon walked slowly to make sure the child kept up with him.

Her husband kissed her forehead. "She'll be alright. She is a strong kid." He whispered and tears formed in her eyes.

She ran forwards. "Master Plo Koon!" She called out and everyone stopped and turned as her parents caught up. "I know she isn't to bring any possessions but can we say goodbye?" Plo Koon let go of the girl's hand. Her father hugged her first and kissed her cheek. 

"I love you my dearest child." He backed up and her mother gave her a long hug and her daughter hugged her back.

She cupped her daughter's cheeks and placed a small kiss on her forehead. "Be strong my child, do great things. I love you so much, my child." She rested her forehead on her daughter's forehead. "I love you Valerie." She got up and her daughter cooed. Plo Koon took her hand again and led her into the shuttle. It lifted back to the cruiser and the parents just watched as Valerie disappeared from the atmosphere.

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